Meeting Jin ( 1 )

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You are a junior in high school, running late for class and you speed to class. As you run to class, the teacher marks you tardy and sits down.

" Alright class open to page 21 and read the first paragraph" said Mr. Kihyun  ( Literature Teacher )

You can hear his voice as you run down the hall way and into the classroom. You say Good Morning and Mr. Donald greets you and let's you sit.

** Knock Knock **

"May I ask who you are?" questioned Mr. Kihyun.

" I'm Kim Seok Jin. The new transfer student. " Jin answers.

" You may have a seat next to
( y/n ) and she will tell you what to do. " Mr. Kihyun pointed at you, to guide Jin's way.

Jin walked over to you. Everyone was looking at him and smiling. You heard some girls say that he was so cute and hot. You thought he was an average looking guy.

" Are you ( y/n ) ? Jin asked.

You quickly nod your head and waved. He sets his pink backpack on the ground and takes out a notebook, pencil, and a textbook.

"What page do we read? " he said.

" page 21, first paragraph." You replied.

" Thanks (y/n) "

**Lunch time**

You see Jin sitting alone.  But you also see your best friend, Yani, waiting for you. You sit by Jin and say Hello.

" Hi ! What's your name again? " Jin said.

"My name is ( y/n ). Yours is Seok Jin right?

" of course " Jin chuckled.

Yani came to sit by you and she gave you a look. You eat your lunch and you eat quickly. You stand up to throw you food away.

" let me throw your food away" Jin insisted.

"No it's fine. I got it. " You said.

Jin grabbed your trash and walked to the garbage.

" who is that!??!? " Yani blurts out

" New Transfer Student " you reply.

He walks back.

" thanks Seok Jin " you said

" Anytime Cutie " he winks and replies.

Cutie? You thought to yourself. Weird. But okay.
It was then next period and your head was hurting. You rub your head and almost fall. Luckily Jin was there to catch you.

" Are you okay? " he asked.

You nodded and realized you were in his arms. You quickly get up, looking frantic. Everyone was looking and staring at you. Including, a girl named Camilla. She looked at you and Seok Jin, in disgust . She marched away in anger. 

" Sorry " you say hastily.

" its okay cutie " he says.

Cutie? Why does he keep calling me that. You thought.

Hello! This is my first fan fiction that I am writing and I want to hear what you think about it. Please tell me! 💓

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