There was this girl she loved Bruno mars she went through so much pain in her life the only way she found happiness was by listening to his music. That girl's name was alondra median she lived in Arizona and she was 14 years old in this story what w...
Alondra's and crea's POV Me and crea haven't been feeling well today well actually a few weeks we have been having morning sickness and I'm worried if we're pregnant......."alondra I think we should go to cvs and get some pregnancy tests", "yeah sis let's go", so we go to cvs and get four pregnancy tests two for each other we go home and pee on the sticks Five minutes later "Ok let's show each other the pregnancy tests on 3 crea", "ok", "123":
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" yaaaaayyy we're gonna be aunties" we said it at the same time lol, maaann now I'm thinking how are we gonna tell Abel and Bruno what if they leave us what if they don't want babies, "sis we need to dress really sexy but casual and go tell them now", so me and crea took our showers and this is what we wore Alondra's outfit:
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Crea's outfit:
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We got into crea's car while blasting somebody by Jeremih. Bruno's POV I was talking to Abel and making beats when I heard the door open and it was crea and alondra they both looked worried and they had something in their they asked to talk to us privately so me and alondra left to go talk while crea and Abel talked. The Weeknd's POV So crea sat on my lap and started crying I was worried cause I hope she wasn't hurt or anything......."baby what's wrong?", "ummm we'll do you want kids?", "yeah baby I want them wit you why?", "well because your gonna be a daddy", she gave me the pregnancy test I looked at it and looked at her and started to smile my baby is having my baby I'm so excited I'm gonna be a father. Alondra's POV Maaannn i was so scared to tell Bruno that I was pregnant what if he left me and went back to Jessica I would be crushed I'm soooo scared........" um baby do you want to be a father","yeah baby I would excited as hell", "whew well your gonna be a father", I gave him the pregnancy test and he lifted me while screaming "I'm gonna be a father", we went back to the studio and saw that Abel and crea were celebrating mannn this is gonna one emotional and happy moment😁😁😁
Well you guys you found out that the characters are pregnant but what will happen when Selena and Jessica find out?😨😨😨