When we met

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Crea's POV
Ayyy guess what bitches it's my bestie birthday and I'm taking her to go see Bruno mars now I y'all thinking like damn she the best I know I know lol but I was going to alondra's room to see her all mad and  shit... "alondra what's wrong" I said, " bitch you forgot my birthday 😑" she said, "um no I didn't cause I got us tickets to see Bruno mars" I said, "biiitttcccchh ARE YOU SERIOUS?" She said, "hell yes now hurry yo slow ass up and get ready" I said, "bitch you slow asf too lol" she said
Nobody's POV
Crea wore this:

 "alondra what's wrong" I said, " bitch you forgot my birthday 😑" she said, "um no I didn't cause I got us tickets to see Bruno mars" I said, "biiitttcccchh ARE YOU SERIOUS?" She said, "hell yes now hurry yo slow ass up and get ready" I said, "bi...

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Alondra wore this:

Alondra wore this:

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Crea's makeup:

Alondra's makeup:

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Alondra's makeup:

Alondra's POV: I'm so excited that crea got me tickets to go see Bruno I swear I love her lol but we got dressed and we looked fine asf

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Alondra's POV:
I'm so excited that crea got me tickets to go see Bruno I swear I love her lol but we got dressed and we looked fine asf.... " ooooo you look good crea" I said, "no you fine asf witcho yo thick self and happppyy birthday bitch" she said, we left and got in crea's car

 " ooooo you look good crea" I said, "no you fine asf witcho yo thick self and happppyy birthday bitch" she said, we left and got in crea's car

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We drove off playing that's what I like we was lit asf.

Thank you guys for reading I hope that you guys enjoyed this chapter😘

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