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Brieah pov
We where still driving through mfing Texas like I'm ready to get out all this stuff in the back keeps falling too. I grab my phone and text Emani back but instead this bih wanted to FaceTime as soon as she answer I seen her boyfriend and I'm guessing his friend he was very cute and kept calling me back but I bushed it off and told her we like 5 or 4 hours put so stay up and then we hung up and I went to sleep for the rest of the ride...
End pov

-Next morning-

Emani: Brieah I can't believe you are here with me(say so excited)

Brieah: me either Emani but umm where the boys at?(whispered)

Emani: oh trust me I know but let's move some of your stuff in

They laugh and continue to talk as they moved stuff I and say up it's was know 5:43 and 3three was calling Emani as they were putting the covers on Brieah bed

Emani: what?... baby I'm around the corner I'll be there in a minute... no it's my cousin... yessss.. Kentrell stfu alright I'll see you when I get there bye I love you....(hangs up)

Brieah: somebody in love

Emani: girl bye(laughs) hey you ready

Brieah: sure let me just ask my ma cam I go(walks out the room to her ma room) ma?

Crystal: hey baby you okay?

Brieah; oh yeah ma, hey can I go with Emani to explore the city

Crystal: sure baby just make sure you grab your key and be back at a reasonable time

Brieah: okay(grabs a key) Emani come on(she yells)

They walk out and walk down the street talking and that's when they seen 3three coming down the road with yb

Emani: eww why you brought him

3three: oh man don't do him like that(looking at Brieah) this yah cousin

Emani: yeah Brieah this is 3three and 3three this is Brieah

Kentrell:(looking at Brieah) oh yeah you bad asf ma

Brieah: excuse me first of all I'm not your ma(with an attitude)

Kentrell: damn why she so uptight

Brieah: uptight?? I'm not acting up type when you talk to me know how to approach me tf(rolls eyes)

Kentrell: shorty mad cause I really called her ma Emani

Brieah: you damn right, I have a name and not one time have you got to know it

3three: damn mani you cousin be snapping

Emani:(laughs) i know

Brieah: Emani can we go shid (irritated)

Emani: yeah come on baby

3three: ite yb you coming?

Kentrell: might as well

Brieah: ughh(rolls eyes)

They kept walking around and meeting different people and stuff the whole time Kentrell was flirting with Brieah but she wasn't paying attention to him like that .. Emani bestfriend lei lei comes out side she's very thick and pretty as soon as she came out Kentrell started flirting with her..

 Emani bestfriend lei lei comes out side she's very thick and pretty as soon as she came out Kentrell started flirting with her

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this is lei lei

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