Chapter 4

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Kentrell: what the hell you mean I came to get my headphones

Brieah: Kentrell really(starts laughing)

Kentrell: really(Mocks her) yeah nie give me my shit

Brieah:(stares at him) you act like I want these ugly ass headphones

Kentrell: yo ass just mad cause you got that ugly ass android

Brieah: to listen to music though

Kentrell: man whatever(sits down) lil ugly ass kid

Brieah: your ugly jit(sits beside him) so what you bout to do(pushes him a lil)

Kentrell: I post to be in a studio

Brieah:" I pOsT To bE In THe StUdIO" lil stupid ass shut up

Kentrell: man fuck you(laughs)

Brieah:(laughs) ooh your so funny Kentrell

Kentrell: yeah whatever.. when you start school

Brieah: post to be Wednesday waiting for them to send my transcript (gives him his headphones) here

Kentrell:(grabs them) thanks what you bout to do though

Brieah: I'm about to finish eating and then go take a shower

Kentrell: call me when you get done doing all that I want to chill with you

Brieah: itee

Kentrell: (stands up) imma see you later

Brieah:( looking up at him) okay

She watches Kentrell walk down the road and then goes inside

Kentrell pov
-I was just finishing up my song 38baby when lei started calling my phone which is very odd so I answer and she was talking about she wanted me too come over so I told her I'll be there. Soon as I hung up Brie text me and told me to come over I was stuck between seeing Brieah and lei but shid imma go see what lei wants first. So I headed down to here house and knocked on the door she opened it and only had on her shorts with a sports bra on that matched her skin complexion....

Brieah: where the hell is kentrell(still calling his phone) ughhh(hangs up)

Crystal: Brie baby you okay..

Brieah: yes ma'am just waiting on my friend to come over

Crystal: talking about the boy

Brieah: yes ma'am

Crystal: well Brieah I'm going to bed just make sure he leaves in the morning and no bed room you know it

Brieah: yes maam(looking out the window) oh wait there someone walking(opens the door)

Dude: yo ma turn your fucking bright ass lights off its dark side over here

Brieah: wtf (closes the door) ughh Kentrell (calls Emani)

-Emani house-

Emani: unnn baby stop

3three: why(kisses her neck)

Emani: because chie my dad them is up stairs

3three: so shidd let them hear(kisses her lips)

Emani: boy you willing to get yo ass beat

3three: nah

Emani: okay then

Her phone starts to ring Emani answers it

Brieah: is Kentrell with y'all

Emani: nawl why?😏(says with a smirk)

Brieah: he post to came and chilled with me but I can't even find him I called him no answer

Emani: y'all got each other number

Brieah: duhhhh tf ask 3three if he heard from him

3three: I got you(in the background)

Brieah: thanks... wait what y'all doing(😏)

Emani: don't worry bye(hangs up laughing)

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