Chapter 7- Are You Ok?

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Sorry no update in a week. I have been very busy! I still need a name for a love interest for Sam, Jc, and Trevor. Comment below about that!


Saturday July 5 11:30am

Destiny's POV:

      It has been about two weeks since I have moved to California. My new best friends are now the guys of O2L, Emily (Connor's girlfriend) also Jenn, and Andrea. Of all of them though, besides Ricky of course, I am the closet to Connor. Today I am sitting on the couch with Ricky watching our favorite show Pretty Little Liars, on Netflix. The one where Spencer and Toby first kiss. Season 1 episode 19. He knows its my favorite episode because I ship Spoby.

     "Hey Rick-ay!? Want to go to the beach?!" Connor yells down the stairs.

     "Nah! I am with Destiny!" Ricky yelled back.

     "NO! Connor, Ricky is wrong we will go to the beach!" I screamed.

     "Why do you want to go to the beach?" Ricky questioned.

     "One, I used to live in Colorado and two it's the beach." I told him.

     "Ok." He kissed my forehead. "Go home, get on your bathing suit, then come back."

     "K." I said as I walked out the front door.

~~~~~At the Beach~~~~~

     When we got to the beach I dropped down my stuff and as I was running to the water Ricky threw me over his shoulder.

     "RICHARD DILLON PUT ME DOWN THIS SECOND!" I screamed but it was to late. He threw me in the water. I sat up laughing as a small wave smacked me in the back of the head. Ricky started cracking up. "REVENGE!" I screamed pushing Ricky into the water. I started to swim further and further out in the water until I couldn't stand anymore. I turned around to see Ricky and Connor planning something. I wave with a smile on my face when Ricky screams  "Destiny watch out!" I turn around to see a giant forceful wave directly behind me. Before I can even move it pushes me under. I feel my head hit something, I am guessing a rock, and I don't come back up.

Connor's POV:

    After the wave settled and Destiny was still no where in sight. I knew what I had to do. Being a life guard for a couple years and all.

     "Ricky call 911." I look into his eyes and he looked horrified. I swim to the place where Destiny had been and start to look around for her. I finally see her. She is unconscious and has a small, but deep enough for stitches, wound on her head. I swim back to the shore with Destiny as I see the flashing lights and men with a gurney run down the beach. Ricky just stood there staring. I felt bad for him and Destiny of course. They are both my best friends. I walk to Ricky while the ambulance pulls away. 

     "You ok?" I ask putting my hand on his shoulder. He sighs.

     "Lets just get to the hospital." he said in the most sad voice I have ever heard.

Mollie's POV:

     My phone starts to ring, as I am sitting on my couch with Kian. My ring tone is Best Day of my Life, which is my favorite song, so I start to sing along. Kian laughs at me. 

        "Go answer your phone." He tells me still chuckling. 

       "Ok." I sighed and got up and answered my phone. It was Connor, weird, he never calls. "Hey Connor what's up." 

      "Something happened to Destiny at the beach, I'll explain when you get to the hospital. If you don't know where it is Kian does." Connor told me out of breath.

       "HOSPITAL!" I scream tears welling up in my eyes. Kian looks at me giving me a worried look. When I got off the phone with Connor, I told Kian what he said. We ran to Kian's car  and he drove us to the hospital. When we got there Ricky was just staring at the wall with a blank face. Connor told us what happened and I started to cry. Kian gave me a big hug and tried to calm me down. We sat down and he took my hand and we waited.

Ricky's POV:

     I noticed Kian and Mollie walk in but I continued to stare at the wall. How could I let this happen? I didn't even save her for crying out loud. I feel like it's all my fault she got hurt.  Just then the doctor came out and tells us she woke up and they gave her 5 stitches. He said she was going to be fine but had a small concussion. I sighed with relief. He then told us we could go see her and I immediately ran to her room. Her eyes were closed.

    "Destiny?" I whispered while standing in the door way.

Destiny's POV:

    I heard someone whisper my name. I open my eyes to see Ricky standing in the door way. 

     "Hi." I whisper back. Ricky pulls up a chair next to my bed and kisses my forehead.

     "I'm so glad your ok." I could tell he was holding back tears. Just then 9 people walk in the room. It's Connor, Emily, Kian, Mollie, Jc, Sam, Trevor, Jenn, and Andrea. I smiled at the sight of all my best friends in one room.

    "Connor?" I said. 

   "Ya?" He said back.

     "Thank you." I smiled and closed my eyes. I was really tired. I felt 10 people give me hugs and then some shuffling of feet but then it was quiet.


So there was some drama in this chapter. I'm so sorry for not updating in so long. I still need a name for a love interest for Sam, Jc, and Trevor. Comment below about that! Hope you enjoyed!


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