Make the choice Batman...

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I laughed and smiled as I watched the flames dance around me, dad held onto me round my waist, as if he was making sure I wouldn't go to near.

I had a fascination with fire. The warmth of it's flames sending shivers up my spine and the various golden colours teasing you, dancing in front of you but never letting you focus on them fully.

Batman stood still staring at the inferno above him, obviously deciding that we really had lost it now.

I jumped as the grappling hook caught the edge of the roof and Batman appeared just seconds later.

"Your gonna have to come and get us Batman!" dad yelled over the crackling and spitting of the fire, "Either that or save the Little Miss behind the reception desk!"

I saw Batman's face change minutely, realising he couldn't let us go but that he had to save the innocent girl in the foyer. I could tell that Joker had noticed it to as he snickered under his breath; "That's right Bats! Your gonna have to make that choice! Between letting the Loonies go and killing another Gotham civilian!"

Batman turned to jump off the roof, he was gonna save her and let us get away!

"Bye-Bye Bats! Hope we see you again soon!" I called, pulling away from dad and tugging him after me as I dashed towards the ring of fire around us. I ran through it, smiling as I felt the flames lick at my skin.

I hadn't realised I had let go of daddy till I got to the other side of the the fiery bars. He was still on the other side...

I practically saw the cogs ticking round in dads brain as he tried to figure away through the inferno. J wasn't as nimble as me and probably would be able to run through the burning heat like I had.

I heard an electronic buzz, and dashed to the edge of the asylum, peering over the edge and spotting the Batman putting the receptionist in the passenger side of the Batmobile.

"He's got her!" I shouted over to The Joker, "He's gonna come back isn't he!" I began to panic, I hated getting into one-on-one combat. I didn't have the same sort of agility dad had, I wasn't even flexible like Harley!

"DAMN!" dad cursed, pacing back and forth between the walls of flame, "Make sure he comes straight for me! Your crap at combat!" he laughed lightly, "Oh, no offence or anything baby!" he added as an afterthought.

I giggled and nodded, moving towards the far end of the roof, hiding behind the growing flames...

Daddy's Little Girl (A Joker's Daughter Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now