➸ f a m i l y

81 15 3

when people see you, they think of how joyous you are, how that smile
brightens you face, and how your laugh is a beautiful harmony,
but I no longer see that in your eyes, ever since you were
beaten with lies, and now your eyes look dead
you were oblivious to the lies you've
been fed, you were broken,
you became no longer
the mother I knew
your soul
lifeless, and
you stayed in your
little cage, yet you were still
treated like crap, just like a mouse
caught in a mouse trap, all your happiness
sucked out, till you just became a lifeless piece of
matter, that once bore the a cheerful soul, your voice was
stolen, so you couldn't scream,couldn't shout, your heart ripped
out and shattered into fragments that once used to be forever love

you clipped my mothers wings, and prevented her from soaring high
You painted her skin in purple and blue ,you imprisoned
her in rusted chains too, night and day you can
hear her silent sobs, but all
you do is just scoff

you don't even think about mother, she's the one you raised you,
and the one that catches you when you fall
but now all you can do is listen to
her screams from behind
the wall

I try, mother, I try so hard to free you and let your wings soar,
to let your voice be heard and for your soul to dance
freely, to hear your melodious
laughter once more
but I'm sorry
I just can't
I'm not strong
enough , and eventually
my wings will be chained down
as well, but mother please don't frown
All I want is for you to live your days happily

- but is that even possible in this oh so happy family?

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