Chapter 5: Danger in the Skies

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Godzilla felt like he was in a dream. A strange dream where he turned into a giant dinosaur-like kaiju and fought a giant cyborg chicken thing. Only it wasn't a dream. It was real. And the giant reptillian kaiju was his true identity. Godzilla weakly opened his eyes, dots and blurriness clouded his vision. He knew he wasn't anywhere near the SkyWing kingdom for sure. But where was he? Godzilla felt unusually warm, and when his vision cleared, he saw Sunny lying right next to him. She had been watching over the dragon, gently caressing his face with a talon.
"Oh! You're awake! I knew you'd wake up!" Sunny cheerfully exclaimed.
"W-What...?" Godzilla murmured. As if on cue, Starflight and the other dragonets entered the large cave where they hid after escaping the SkyWing kingdom.
"Ah, Gojira. You're finally awake! How are you feeling?" Starflight said, sitting down right beside the nest Godzilla laid in. Godzilla sat up, surpised to feel only a mild sensation of soreness.
"I'm... Okay, I guess." Godzilla replied.
"Good. Now, can you tell us what happened last night? I'm truly ever so curious about that neat little transformation of yours!" Starflight said in a enthusiastic tone.
"Starflight, enough. The guy just woke up and you bug him with questions?" Tsunami piped up, scolding the NightWing. "I'm sorry about Starflight. His nerd senses must be tingling."
"It's okay. Oh, and about the snout scratching thing.... No hard feelings. The whole "you'll be dead if you harm me again" bit was just the product of tiredness. We're cool." Godzilla said. Tsunami winced when she recalled their first meeting.
"Ohh.. Yeah... Sorry about that." Tsunami apologized. Godzilla turned to Starflight once again.
"You want answers? I'll give them to you. When I first came here, I must have forgotten where I came from and who I was. Then Gigan came along, I don't know how, and somehow gave me my memory back by seeing him for the first time in two whole years." Godzilla explained. The dragonets all listened as Godzilla explained his origins in Pyrrhia.
"That giant fire-breathing reptillian Kaiju you saw... That was the real me. That was Godzilla. I am that giant reptile." Godzilla continued on.
"Then how come you're a dragon now?" Glory butted in.
"I have a theory." Starflight said, springing up from his sitting position.
"Oh, no. Please, for the love of Pyrrhia, DON'T GIVE US SOME BORING LECTURE. YOU ALREADY BURNED MY BRAINS OUT WITH THE OTHER THREE LECTURES BACK AT THE ARENA!" Glory yelled. But Starflight simply ignored her and moved on.
"Pyrrhia's atmosphere is surrounded by a thick layer of Animus energy. Animus comes in two forms: the energy mentioned in our atmosphere and small pockets of Animus magic granted to special dragons. When you were transported here, the Animus energy must of collided with the immense proportions of your true form's energy, therefore forcing the Animus magic to configure your body to match the low-level energy of dragons in a apparently successful attempt to prevent rupture of the atmosphere. This would explain the triggering of your initial transformation." Starflight deducted.
"Well, THAT or Godzilla simply was too big and couldn't retain his form upon landfall. Kinda like a meteor breaking up into pieces when reaching a planet's atmosphere." Tsunami added.
"Yet I am still puzzled by one aspect... How did you transform to your true form last night?" Starflight asked.
"I... I really have no clue. When I saw Gigan, a lot of memories and emotions were flowing through my mind. I did feel really angry upon transformation. Maybe anger set off the transformation?" Godzilla said.
"Yes, it is possible powerful emotions such as anger can trigger an override of the Animus' energetic field, creating a small rip in said field, allowing you to temporarily revert to your original form." Starflight replied. "I will say, i've never come across any creature as colossal and strangely magnificent as a Kaiju."
"Well, lets just say Kaiju are top of the food chain on my world." Godzilla said with a chuckle. Godzilla sensed something was wrong, and stood up. Now that they could get a good look at him, the dragonets noticed how abnormally large he was. Godzilla easily towered over them. Godzilla ran out of the cave, looking at a rift that suddenly appeared in the sky. Suddenly, a giant alien bat-like kaiju flew out of the rift, shrieking loudly. The bat creature was followed by a few smaller flying creatures. Godzilla recognized the giant bat: Bagorah had arrived to Pyrrhia, and no doubt came to feast on living flesh. And he brought several hundred Gyaos with him. Godzilla snarled, charging towards the direction of Bagorah.
"Wait, Gojira! Where are you going?!" Starflight exclaimed.
"Get out of here! I'm going after that Kaiju!" Godzilla replied, taking flight. It was time to kick this bat's rear and bring him down before any innocent lives are lost.

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