CHAPTER NINE: Between Life and Death

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Jungkook's P.O.V

I arrived at the girl's bathroom.
"Yeon-ah?" I asked but nobody answered . I went inside but she was nowhere to be found. "Where is she?" I thought. "Captain, we have a problem. School cafeteria." Jimin said over the walkie talkie.

I ran as first as I could to the cafeteria.
What I saw made me speechless and I got extremely mad.
Mr.Park took Ah Yeon as a hostage and pointed a gun at her head.
"Yeon-ah!" I shouted. Ah Yeon saw me and her eyes got teary. "What happened, Jimin?" I asked. "I wanted to arrest him but he escaped and took Ah Yeon as a hostage. Sorry, Captain." Jimin reported. I called down and tried to negotiate with Mr.Park. "Mr.Park, let her go. She's not involved in this matter." I said.
"As if I would listen to you. If I let her go you guys are going to arrest me. Now get lost or I'm going to put a bully through her head." Mr.Park threatened. "No, let her go or I'm gonna shoot." I said calmly.
"Shoot if you dare but remember I still have the girl, it would be a pity if she dies through your hands." Mr.Park laughed.

I'm the meantime all the other members arrived." Namjoon, is there a solution to this situation?" I asked.
"I don't think so, let's do what he wants." he said. "And risk the hostage's life, no thank you." Hoseok said. "What should we do then?" Taehyung said. After thinking for a while. "I'm gonna shoot." I said. "WHAT?!" they were shocked. "But that's to risky." Yoongi said. "That is our only solution."
I said and and looked at Ah Yeon.

"Do you trust me?" I asked. She looked at me deep into my eyes and nodded. "Then don't move." I said and pointed a gun at them.
"Hey hey...are you crazy? I still have the girl here." he said in panic.
I didn't listen to him and concentrated, but I was getting insecure and began to tremble.
"You can do it. I believe in you." she smiled. "Yeon-ah..." I said. "Hey, shut up." Mr.Park said and held her tighter, he held her so strong that Ah Yeon got a painful expression. "Don't you dare hurt her." I said and aimed at his right shoulder.

Ah Yeon's P.O.V

Mr.Park let me go and grabbed his shoulder. Without hesitation o ran toward Jungkook ad hugged him.
As I felt his arms and warmth around me I began to cry silently. He stroked me and tried to calm me down.
"It's alright, Yeon-ah. I'm gonna protect you no matter what." he said with his sweet-soothing voice. "Captain!" Jin shouted.

I turned around and saw Mr. Park lying on the ground pointing his gun at us. "Yeon-ah!" he shouted and stood before me. BANG. Jungkook had a painful expression and knelt down.
I saw blood spreading onto the ground. Jungkook got shot in his led. "Jungkook-ah!" I shouted and knelt down too.
"Are you okay?" I asked. I turned around and saw Mr.Park still trying to shoot us. But Jungkook took his gun and shot at him. I could see Mr.Park falling onto the ground lying there without a single movement.
"Yeon-ah, please forget what just happened." he said before getting unconscious. I was in shock, seeing someone being killed in front of me and Jungkook being the 'murderer'.

After a few minutes, men came in and investigated and 'cleaned up' the school. We were brought to a hospital where Jungkook got treated.
After I got treated too, I went to the room where Jungkook was staying. I sat down next to him and observed his face. "So this is his it really okay to stay by his side?" I thought.

Hope you liked it, see ya 👋

JungkookiesWifey99 💕

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