Daughter of Olympus

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"Ugh!" I gasped as I tried to breathe. I scanned my surroundings, the empire state building looked as tall as ever. I wiggled my fingers and flexed my toes. 'Nothing broken' I thought. I tried to get up, but another bolt of lightning caused me to tumble back to the ground again. A brown rucksack was at my right. Was it just my imagination, or did it appear from the bolt? Instinctively, I lunged for it. Since I was homeless, I had a keen eye for things. I reached for my jeans pocket, and pulled out a crow bar. Where it came from I don't know, but I just shrugged that thought off. I began to work at pulling the lock from the bag. Somehow, I had a feeling this was my bag. Once that lock finally came of, I peered inside. There was about 25 dollars and a pack of watermelon gum. There was a photo of a girl inside as well. The girl had dirty blonde hair and stormy gray eyes. As I looked closer, I saw a boy about the same age next to her. He had dark hair and sea-green eyes. I had a feeling I was supposed to know these kids, but it didn't ring any bells. By the way, my name is Angela. I don't know my last name, but I had a sneaking suspicion it included the letters P and A.  I'm 16 and homeless. I don't have parents, they died in a fire I know Vlad Mancudal caused. He is a blood-thirsty loser that tried to steal my parents' wealth. Oh, and did i mention that he is my Uncle? The only family I have is my partner in crime, Nicholas. I normally call him Festus. Festus means happy in greek, although I don't know how I know that. "What's up Beauty Queen?" teased Festus as he sneaked up behind me. He looked up in the sky. "What the-" mumbled Festus. As I looked up, I gasped. Was it a plane? No. Was it a bird? No. IT WAS A PEGASUS! Before I could react, the winged horse landed in front of us. Suddenly, I recognized the girl and boy on top of the horse. It was them from the picture. "We don't have much time, the gods are angry" said the boy. "You" said the girl pointing at Festus "Have to come with us". "You too, you are definitely not mortal" claimed the boy pointing at me. "As if you aren't" I mumbled. The boy and girl shared nervous glances. "No time to explain, hop on!" reassured the girl. Me and Festus jumped on and we flew away into the clouds.


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