Fire, Lola, Akane and Kitsu

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My new fan art for 4 new Wattpad Friends: Fire know as FireFox1200, Lola know as Lola_Anasake, Akane know as The_Godpotato_Akane and Kitsu know as KitsuKitsune

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My new fan art for 4 new Wattpad Friends: Fire know as FireFox1200, Lola know as Lola_Anasake, Akane know as The_Godpotato_Akane and Kitsu know as KitsuKitsune.
Fire is the new Wattpad user, she have the awesome book and i like follow her page, also she follow my page too. In the picture i'm drawing, she is half-stickwoman and half-fox.
Lola is another new Wattpad user, she have the awesome book, i'm follow her page because her book is awesome and she follow my page too. She like anime too.
Akane is the another new Wattpad user, she have the awesome book and i like it too, she like anime and she follow my page too. Her OC is awesome too.
Kitsu is other new Wattpad user, she have the awesome book and since me follow her page, also she follow my page too. Especially i like anime too.
The four like swimming, having fun with friends, training, dancing, playing games, drawing, singing, chat, comment.
The four appear in The Sterielle story by Kordy and Slush Kiki series by Kiki.
The four is a friends of Stick Kiki, Wolfgirl, Yuri, Stagon, Vivian, AquaBooster, Kordy, Sterielle, Gave, Stichelle, Stecho, SticKiity, Stickeric, Infinity Stick, Rheanna, Jenna, Yalona, Maricar, Darkko and the Slushers team.
In Slush Kiki Series, Fire have the fire power and her weapon is dual sword, Lola have the music power and her weapon is laser gun, Akane have the glass power and her weapon is dual fan, Kitsu have the sound power and her weapon is shuriken. Fire, Lola, Akane and Kitsu abilities is Water-breath, super speed, super strenght, smart, martial art, parkour, high jump, skill, flight, invisible, vision, manipulation, Bubble-Breath, bulletproof, teleport, x-ray, mind reading, telekinesis, language, inmortal.
Note: In Slush Kiki Series, Fire have the Waterproof abilities, then she like water same like the other.
Note: FireFox1200, Lola_Anasake, The_Godpotato_Akane and KitsuKitsune, this is my art gift i'm making and i hope you four like it.
I hope you guy like it, because Fire, Lola, Akane and Kitsu is pretty ever.

Fire belong to Fire
Lola belong to Lola
Akane belong to Akane
Kitsu belong to Kitsu
Art by Kiki

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