|Chapter Four| Dani's Back!

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    I apologize ahead of time for how short this is and how many POV switches there are... I recently went to a special camp so I didn't get much time to write this... I'll try and update more often... Enjoy.

     (Danny's POV)

     Taking a deep breath, I bury my face further into the soft, strawberry-scented surface. Pulling the body laying next to me closer, I let out a sigh of content. But hearing something snap and click made me turn another direction, still keeping a hold on the person next to me. As another snap sounded through the room, I decided it was time to get up. Opening my eyes so that way i'm squinting, I try to let them adjust to the light. Once I was okay, I open my eyes normally and sit up. Looking around the room, I stop on Val who was snapping pictures of me and Sammy. 

     Pulling Sammy even closer to me (As if it were possible,) I let out a low growl signaling that I was awake. Val, who was startled, jumped back and stared at me with wide eyes. After a second, she let out a sigh and pouted. "Really, Danny! You scared the pop out of me!"

     Giving Valerie a slight glare, I let go of Sam, who was still laying next to me asleep, and stood. Carefully picking Sammy up princess bridal style, I start making my way towards the staircase. While heading up the stairs, we pass by the A-Listers. As Kwan, Star, and lastly Paulina all stared, and I let out another low and protective growl. It's then that I realize that Dash must have still been asleep downstairs after our movie marathon. Pushing that thought to the back of my mind, I continue my way to the bedroom. 

     Starting to finally wake up, Sammy stirs slightly. Placing my hand on her tiny shoulder I kiss her forehead and gently shake her shoulder trying to get her to wake up for school. Mumbling a quiet 'five more minuets' she snuggled closer to me and buried her head further into my chest. Rolling my eyes, I push open the door to my bedroom and go in. Laying Sammy one the bed, I gently shake her shoulder once more. I was about to shake her again when she slapped my hand away. Without a second let to spare, I lean forwards and lick her cheek. 

     Not even a second after I jumped back, Sammy lunged forwards only to land in a basket full of dirty clothes. Looking around, when her eyes landed on me I knew... I was about to be 'fully' dead. With wide eyes I push the bedroom door open and sprint downstairs. Without thinking, I run and hide behind the first person I see, peeking over their shoulder to see if Sam was coming to kill me yet. Looking up, my eyes meet dark blue ones, meaning that the person I just happen to hide behind like a little girl is Dash. I was about to say something, but a booming not-so-nice voice interrupted me. "DANNY!!!!"

     Ducking behind Dash, I hold my hands over my head, already knowing what would happen if she caught me. Just then, I feel a fist come down on the back of my head knocking me forward onto the couch. Valerie, who was in the kitchen and has no clue what is going on, walked out with a juice box in her hand and just stared at me wide-eyed. She then proceeded to turn around, and walk back into the kitchen. After she disappeared into the kitchen, laughter boomed through the house. I let out a miserable groan already knowing that she's going to use the as blackmail in the future.

    After the laughter stopped, Valerie walked back in wiping a fake tear away. Letting out a small chuckle, Val walks over to me humming a random song before doing what she usually does whenever she sees me. She ruffles my hair as gasps echo through the room, probably because the A-Listers have never seen Val act so friendly with me. Usually, Val and I are careful not to act like this at school, but over the years Val has become more like my sister than anything. Not bothering to react to what our 'visitors,' Valerie just mimble something to me before heading upstairs to get ready for school. "Dani's arriving after school, Oh! And get ready, It's time for school. And tell Sam I'm barrowing her clothes."      

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