Chapter 3: Melbourne here I come.

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"Brooklyn, Lexie, dinners ready!" My mum yelled up to us from the kitchen. We ran as fast as we could down stairs because mum was making us pasta bolognese, our favourite.

As soon as we walked into the kitchen you could tell my mum had something planned because she was using her best dishes.

"Mum do we have guests coming round or somethin'?" Lexie asked confused

"No dear I need to speak with you, well we all do"

Me and my father just nodded and kept our faces glued to our plate of dinner in front of us.

"Lexie I know this doesn't make much sense right now but trust me, it's for the best. I'll explain it all soon but-"

Lexie laughed "mom just spit it out already, what can you tell me thats that bad that you're using your best china?"

Oh Lexie if only you knew.

"Well then Lexie" my dad spoke up.

"We're moving to Melbourne for good and not coming back. It's all arranged, were leaving tomorrow evening. "

I was prepared for Lexie to turn into the Incredible Hulk and start smashing things up but she didn't.

"omg I can't wait this is the best news ever I love you guys so much OMG WERE MOVING TO MELBOURNE BITCHES" and with that she started singing and dancing.

I was shocked with her reaction, my family has been full of surprises lately.


Lexie took the news surprisingly well. Well to be honest that would be an understatement, she was excited. Once she found out she was screaming with joy. I was so glad she was happy with the decision.

We had just stepped off the 12 hour flight and boy was I tired.

Lexie and I looked ridiculous, our hairs looked like birds nests and our eyes had bags because we couldn't sleep on the flight because we were so excited!

I took my iphone out of my bag and was expecting at least a goodbye text from Alice and Becca but nothing. I never even got a reply from the text I sent them the other day when I explained I was moving. Oh well I guess everyone shows their true colours eventually. I was about to put my phone back in my bag when it vibrated. I checked it and it was a notification from twitter.

@lexieperez just arrived in Melbourne!!! Me & my sissy are here to fuck shit up ;) @brooklynperez

I Rt'd the tweet then suddenly my mentions were blowing up with followers and people tweeting me telling me I was pretty and asking me to follow them back. I was freaked out because I had never had this much attention on it, I felt famous. I looked at Lexie's account and realised it was because she had over 30 thousand followers, I don't know how this girl does it. Suddenly my 3026 followers turned into 4 thousand then 5 and by the next hour I had about 9 thousand followers. Crazy.

Me and Lexie eventually put out phones away and ran to meet our parents who were collecting our luggage. Apparently our new house was fully furnished and decorated so we didn't need a thing apart from our personal belongings so we just had some clothes toiletries and were planning on buying the rest.

I stood beside my dad who was carrying my suitcase for me. I gave him a quick hug and a big smile.

"Sooo girls, are you looking forward to seeing our new house?" My dad asks already knowing the answer.

Lexie barely gives him a chance to finish his sentence because she starts jumping around and clapping her hands. I swear she's like a 5 year old kid on Christmas Day.

"Come on then girls, let's go"

We pulled up outside a big looking house in a car that my dad got gave for work. Surely we can't be living here? It was huge! It was one of them houses that the millionaires on tv had, I hadn't seen anything like it in my life.

The garden was open and had a path leading up to a garage and the front door. Beside the garage there was a big gate, which I assumed lead to the back garden.

We all quickly got out of the car and grabbed our luggage and made our way to the front door. Our mum teased us a bit by opening the door really slow but soon enough it was opened and when I saw what I saw I was lost for words. IT WAS FRICKEN HUGER ON THE INSIDE HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE?

I ran through the full house, the front door lead into a massive living room and there was a hall next to the living room which lead to the kitchen. The kitchen was huge, it was absolutely gorgeous. I then ran up to investigate the rooms and of course pick myself the best one. Every single one of them had an en suit so I couldn't pick.

I them walked into the room that was furthest away, as soon as i stepped foot in the room I know this was the one I wanted. I walked over to the massive bed and placed my suitcase on it and started to unzip it until something caught my eye. My window is longer than the others? What?..

I walked towards it and seen that I had a balcony, omfg Lexie was gonna be so jealous! I opened the beautiful white French doors and stepped foot on the balcony and looked out to our back hard. Not only did we have the nicest house we also had a swimming pool which was MASSIVE. I am so lucky.

I was about to shout on Lexie and tell her to come into my room but a very loud splashing noise and loads of laughter stopped me. Where was that coming from?

I looked around till I suddenly clicked on that it could only be the neighbours. There was 5 boys playing in the pool next door to my house.

Just then Lexie grabbed me into the room and shut the door she looked like she was gonna scream.

"Sorry I picked the best room lex but it's first come first se-

"Shut up Brooklyn it doesn't matter we have something more serious to think about. Do You know who lives next door to us?!" She whispered-shouted to me

"Obviously not I've been here 2 minutes I've not even spoke to anyone dumbass?"

"We live next door to the brooks brothers from the janoskians!!!!" she squeeled

The name sounded familiar but I couldn't think of when or where that id heard it. What was the janoskians?

Lexie took her phone from her pocket and showed me her twitter. Her bio said '5/5 janoskians'

I shot her a confused look.

She them went on each of their pages and showed me they were verified and showed me that the one called daniel had been tweeting her and dm'ing her asking to hang out when we got here.

Who are the janoskians? How does my sister know them? And better yet how do they know my sister?!

I must've looked so confused because she then explained it all to me very clearly about 5 times.

"The janoskians are a group of famous Australian youtubers, they pull pranks on people and do dares and they've made it pretty big. I've been a huge fan of the boys from day 1 and they know that, they all retweet me and favourite my selfies and comment on my Instagram photos and stuff, and other fans notice that and follow me and that's why I have so many followers incase you were wondering. Also don't hang out your window and stare at them just play it cool like you did with boys back home."

And with that she left my room and toddled away to her own.

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