relationship problems

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Ari's POV//
I should tell hunter, or maybe I shouldn't? Ugh why is this so hard to decide on?

I walk upstairs and talk to myself. "Maybe it will be okay to tell him, I'll just say "hunter I'm sorry it wasn't my fault or anybody elses' but Julian, he kissed me. He didn't mean to it was like an 'oops' kiss. Please forgive me" I say out loud as I get to the restroom. I hear the front door close. I close my eyes praying to God that wasn't hunter. "Ari?" I hear his voice from the bottom of the stairs. "Yes?" I was hoping he didn't hear any of that. "What was that all about?" He ask with a frown on his face. "It was just what it sounded like, I'm sorry hunter it didn't mean anything" I say running down the stairs and hugging him. He pulls me away. "What" I say noticing a tear going down his face. "Baby what's wrong?" I ask him

"Ari I know what you did was wrong and i can't hate you for it but I love you, I love you too much to hate you for this but I also did something wrong. Don't hate me for this, please" he saying taking a seat on the stairs.  "Luna... She kissed me, she meant it I didn't. I'm sorry" he says burrowing his face into his hands. "Hunter we all make mistakes, it's gonna be okay" I say hugging him.

"I think we should take a break" we both say in unison

"Maybe we should" I say "yeah it's for the best.

He pulls me in for one last kiss. He wraps his arms around my lower waist and picks me up. I pull my hand off his shoulder and reach for the door knob not breaking the kiss, laying me on the bed. "Hunter we shouldn't, we just broke up" I say holding his collar. "Just one last time, I have to have you one last time" he says moving my hair out from my eyes.

I pull him closer kissing in motion. Then my phone rings...

I have no words😰❤

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