loney asf

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it's 3pm and I just woke up, for the third time. I really don't wanna wake up.

I broke up with my ex (hunter) for a fuckboy internet friend that cheated on me and my ex (hunter) that I want back is dating a girl that I fought.

story. of. my. life

I sigh then lazily get up and walk to the kitchen.

I grab a bowl then put some Cheerios in it. I really didn't feel like making pancakes.

I open the refrigerator to grab the milk and there is none.


can this week get any worse? Or is my whole life gonna be this way.

I sound so stupid, I am just gonna talk with hunter. Maybe we aren't meant to be and maybe we just need to let each other live free. Well I need to let him live free. Except hes obviously well over me.

i grab my longboard and ride down the main Street to his house.

I look down the road and I could see his house. Christine's car wasn't there, I remembered it's her day to work and the boys always go to Blake's. Hunters skateboard was in the front yard so he had to have been home.

Picking up my board I walk the rest of the way.

Once I get 20 feet from his front door I began to regret the idea of talking to him.

he opens the door and I stand there shocked at the end of the walkway to his door.

just what I didn't think of, Luna walked out.

"bye hunter I'll call you later" she says while hunter stares at me in that ' what the hell are you doing here look' causing Luna to un-natually look at me.

everything gets uncomfortable in seconds. "Well this ain't awkward at all" I say turning around about to leave "I'll just be going now" I add

"wait!" I hear hunter's voice yell as i begin to walk. I turn back to him to see Luna's face surprised.

"I'll talk to you later, Luna" and with that she leaves.

I uncomfortably stand there as Luna gives me a dirty look.

He invited me in as Luna walks down the street.

"So what's up" he says breaking the silence I brought in.

"I just thought I'd stop by you know" I say shrugging my shoulders. When I really didn't mean a word I just said.

"Well that is cool I guess" hunter's says quietly with a small crack in his voice.

his voice cracks when he's nervous, it's one of the cutest things about him.

We both turn our heads to each other at the same time about to say something. but he stops to let me talk and I stop to let him talk. he doesn't say anything so I speak.

"Hunter I didn't just want to stop by..." I say looking down and twitting my fingers.

"I know" he says with a half smile.

"You did?" I asked kinda confused but also realizing that I was obvious

"Yeah, the way you looked at me when I opened the door, when I invited you in, and while we are talking. Something is on your mind and from here I think it's me" he says looking around the room then at me.

"Well it kinda is, I miss you a lot and I don't know why. I want you back, but you obviously moved on."

"I haven't" he says quickly.

"Then why is-" he cuts me off by a kiss.

he puts my hair behind my ear while he brushes his hand by my waist then to my cheek.

"What was that" I asked with a smile

"I missed you too but us being together is bad, I'm bad for you, I hurt you and make you go through things you shouldn't have to go through" he replies hugging me tightly

"Hunter it hurts not being with you. It hurts not holding you in my arms. It hurts not having your body on mine" I says in a string voice "it hurts not calling you babe, and it hurts not feeling your lips on mine" I say in a softer, kinder voice.

He remains looking at me

"We can't be together, I want to be with you but I can't."

"You have Luna so it's okay" I say

"I don't want Luna but you have Julian" he says

"Julian cheated on me"

a silence occurred for a minute or two

"I told you I would kick his ass if he hurt you" he balls his fist

"He didn't hurt me that bad, it was more lust"

"Well that makes me feel a little better" he laughs and as do I

"What did you mean by you didn't want Luna" I asked

"Well I dontean to be an asshole but I don't like her. I just needed someone to get me over you. It doesn't seem to be working." He explains

"Wh-" I was cut off by a crashing noice of the pot next to the door fall

Hunter and I rush to the door and open it. Luna is running down to sidewalk and screaming bloody hell.

"Fuck you hunter Rowland and your little slut" she screams all the way down the street til we can't hear her anymore

I turn to hunter, "best friends?" I ask in a smile.

"Yes best friends" he smiles and hugs me.

This will be one of my last real chapters I will be doing an update like in the future from this scene but that's all ily guys and thanks for almost 6k <3 xxb

My Life With Him//hunterrowlandWhere stories live. Discover now