Prologue: The Dream

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Kids are the future. Kids are meant to become the next the generation and pick up their parents' legacies. They are thought to follow in their parents' footsteps. The saying "like father like son" or "like mother like daughter" isn't entirely true though. I was the exception for my family it would seem.

During my elementary school play, we had to admit what we would be in the future. How we could change the world. It seems that my dream wasn't ideal at the time.

I stood in the middle of the stage as I proudly pronounced my dream job. "I would like to make the world a better place. I am going to be a superhero!" I took off the gown I had on over my pink superhero suit and put on my mask.

The whole crowd laughed. I saw my parents look lovingly at my decision, but I knew they weren't so sure what to do.

The loudest bit of laughter I heard was from my school bully, Chloe Bourgeois. "Superhero? Everyone knows you can't be a superhero!"

"It may be hard to believe for some people. I'm looking at you Chloe." Chloe was then quiet. "But you don't need super powers to be a superhero. Everyone can be someone's superhero. I plan on being everyone's!"

The whole room clapped for me. Everyone except for Chloe that is.

A few minutes later, my parents took me outside to the festival my school was having. They tried to gently tell me the truth.

"Honey, you know there has never been a real superhero, right?" My mom had the same calm tone she had when she had to tell me Santa Clause wasn't real.

"I know. That's why I'm going to be the first." I skipped happily between my parents and in my pink superhero suit.

"What your mother is trying to say is that it's going to be extremely difficult if not impossible to be everyone's superhero." My dad tried to back my mom up. I didn't listen.

"I know, but I'll soon make that possible. Because I am going to make the world a better place!" I did a cartwheel and fought the air for a while.

"Well if you want to change the world, then you can do so by sharing the warmth and love of our famous Dupain-Cheng pastries!" My Dad knelt down and showed me a box full of chocolate covered croissants.

"He's right! Your dad and I are being everyone's superhero by feeding them our delicious treats and pastries!" My mom was trying to back my dad up as well.

I wasn't paying attention to what they said next because I saw Chloe and her little, innocent henchgirl, Sabrina, follow Rose, Juleka, and Nathaniel from booth to booth with sly grins.

When I lost sight of them, I immediately sneaked away from my parents to go after them. They were talking to much to notice anyway.

I turned around a corner and saw Chloe with her hand out towards Rose. Rose had a bunch of tickets in her hand that was meant to be used to play the games. Juleka was behind her with her hands on her shoulders. Nathaniel was next to the girls but tried to stay away from Chloe.

"Tickets. Now." Chloe wanted Rose's tickets.

"No. Go get your own!" Rose was the smallest in my class. She was of course easy for Chloe to pick on.

"Sabrina." As if like a dog on command, Sabrina went and grabbed the tickets from Rose and gave them to Chloe.

"Hey! Those are mine!" Rose was sensitive too. She was on the brink of tears.

"Oh! Is the little girl going to cry? Go ahead and cry." I couldn't take it anymore.

"Hey!" Chloe and Sabrina turned around. "You hurt her! Cut it out!"

"Well if it isn't the pink superhero. Coming to save the day, are you? We were just leaving."

Chloe tried to leave but I mirrored her. She tried to go around me but I stood my ground. "Give the tickets back."

"Make me." Chloe pushed me to the ground. I then got an idea. I started to act like I was going to cry. "Oh look! The superhero is scared! Cry little baby! Cry all you want!" I then immediately moved my legs under hers like I see in movies. I successfully made her fall on her back. "Oh now you've done it!"

Chloe stood back up, leaving the tickets on the ground. I dodged her and jumped for the tickets. I made sure Chloe didn't see them so she wouldn't take them back. Chloe then took another swing at me and this time she hit my mask off my face. Both of my pigtails came undone from the impact. I had a red spot on my cheek from Chloe's palm.

"You don't know what all you're capable of. You think you can be a superhero when all you'll ever be is a stupid baker girl." Chloe then left. I didn't look up until Rose, Juleka, and Nathaniel were kneeling down and hovering over me.

"Are you okay Marinette?" Rose put my hair behind my ear to help me see.

"Yeah. I'm okay." I then held out the tickets for Rose to take back. "Here you go."

"Wow!" Rose took her tickets back.

"Cool. You got the tickets back." Juleka wasn't one to show too much emotion.

"You're a true hero Marinette." Nathaniel said, with his eyes seeming to be half closed. He must have been tired. Why else would he be looking at me like that?

"Yeah! Chloe doesn't know what she's talking about!" Rose helped me stand up.

"Well she was right about one thing." I walked over to get my mask from the ground. I put it back on my face and stood proud. "I don't know what all I'm capable of."

My hair blew in the wind and I truly felt powerful.

This was the moment I promised I would always try to do the right thing and encourage others to do so.

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