The Not So Abandoned, Abandoned Mansion

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{Okay, so I changed the fence from being made of brick to being made of iron bars like the gates.}

Pisces stood on the path passing by Wilde Manor, it was conceived of pale yellow rocks and dust and was just barely wide enough for one carriage to drive through at a time. It was probably a very old path meant for travelling by foot or by horse.

Pisces had walked all the way up the incredibly large hill. It wasn't hard, Pisces often helped with work around her family's farm, which required a lot of exercise and pain tolerance. What made her walk easier was that she had packed lightly, very lightly. She had only a backpack's fill of clothing and  she had already eaten the sandwiches her mother had packed for her on the bus ride here.

Pisces, coming from a poor family, didn't have many clothes. She didn't have ten different pair of shoes, she couldn't buy any accessories or make up. She had one pair of work boots, which she was wearing at the moment. She had some shirts, shorts, pants and a jacket. The only dress Pisces had was her mother's wedding dress, which she never wore.

Her father claimed that she looked just like her mother, who also had sapphire blue eyes and long black hair.

Pisces pulled out a ring of keys, fiddling with it until she found a large, rusted, iron key. She stuck it into the lock binding the gates and turned it until she heard a loud, low-pitched click and metal cling-clanging. The chains binding the two gate doors together loosened and Pisces unwrapped them, opening the gates and setting them to the side after she entered.

Pisces made her way to the front doors, flipping through the key again until she found the right one. She unlocked the double doors and pulled them open, a loud creak was heard. It was very dark, Pisces could barely make out the large hall leading to a pair of stairs and another door.

To her left, she saw a row of giant windows, almost touching the ceiling. A little farther down the hall was a fire place, two, red, single-person love-seats and one large sofa for three. The seating was accented with gold and had red and gold cushions placed neatly on top of them. There was also a coffee table in between the seats that had her grandmother's favourite tea set displayed on top of it. As she entered, she turned around and saw that the windows by the doors did have their curtains nailed to the frame. She looked at them curiously, before shrugging it off and turning back around.

Pisces walked over to the fireplace. She picked up one of the cushions, looked at the patterns sewn into it with gold thread. Her vision flickered as she remembered the day her great grandmother taught her how to sew. Pisces found herself in a brightly lit hall, everything looked more saturated and warm. She heard humming and looked over at one of the love-seats. There sat her great grandmother, humming as she made another stitch onto the cushion.

Pisces then saw a small pair of hands grab onto the large armrest and a little girl wiggled onto it, sitting down with her hands on her knees. She had grey-blue eyes and long black hair pulled up into pigtails. Pisces smiled as the girl leaned forward to peak at her great grandmother's work.

"Wow, so pretty!" She exclaimed breathily,
"How did you do that gram-gram?" She asked.
"Why don't I teach you?" Said her great grandmother and the girl nodded enthusiastically.

Pisces's vision flickered again and she found herself back in the dark, cold hall. She sighed as she decided to place her backpack onto the seat and explore the mansion a little. She turned around, but stopped when she noticed something strange. Pisces bent down on her knees by the fireplace and peered in, the firewood had been used - recently. She narrowed her eyes, tilting her head. Pisces stood up and turned to the coffee table in between the seats, there was a tea set laying there. Pisces looked over one of the cups and saw that it had been used, she bent lower and smelt hot chocolate that clung the walls of the cup. She touched the kettle, it was slightly warm.

Pisces bit her lip as she hurried to light switch near to the fireplace and flicked it on, the chandelier that hung at the centre of the hall lit up, the pillars that lined up on each side of the hall casted shadows in her direction. Pisces noticed how there wasn't a single speck of dust or any insects crawling around, not even any cobwebs. The place had been cleaned to a shine.

Pisces furrowed her eyebrows, someone had been here...
And they might still be.

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