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Finn POV

"Why? What's going on?" I asked worried

"We were feeding her and there was something in the baby food she was allergic to, she stopped breathing. Were at the hospital know." My mom said and my heart broke

"Were coming." I said and hung up.

"C'mon we have to go." I said putting clothes on

"Why?" She asked getting dressed and packing

"It's Quinn." I said

She quickly packed. As we finished we ran out if the hotel and drive to airport.

"There was something in the baby food and she was allergic to it. She stopped breathing." I said

Rachel started crying as I continued to drive.

As we arrived that airport we got on the plane.

The plane ride was six hours.

Rachel cried but I calmed her down.

When we landed we got all of our luggage and went to the car.

We drive as fast as I could to the hospital. I was way over the speed lint but I don't care.

My little girl needs me.

As we pulled into the hospital parking lot we sprinted inside.

We saw my parents sitting in the waiting room.

"Where is she? Is she ok?" I asked starting to cry

"The doctors are running some test. She's been with the doctor for the past 7 hours." My mom said

I started balling and so did Rachel. Rachel grabbed Will.

I kept pacing back and forth.

3 hours later the doctor came.

"It's was a major allergic reaction to the soy in the baby food. Her throat started to close. You got here just in time." The doctor

"I assume your the father do you or your..." He stated

"Wife" I said

"Do you or your wife's families carry any gene of being allergic to soy?" He asked

"My dad was." I said

"Were going to keep her overnight for more testing but you can pick her up at 8 am tomorrow with the test results." The doctor said

"Thank you." I said

"Is she ok!?" Mr.shue asked walking in

I walked over to him. He hugged me. I started crying

"She almost died" I said

"What happened?" He asked

I told him everything and go close it could have been.

He comforted me.

We visited her before we left.

I walked in. Rachel had Will outside watching because I asked to be alone.

She completely understood.

I have this special bond with Quinn.

"Hey baby girl." I said as I picked her up

"You really scared mommy and I today." I said

I knew she didn't understand what I was saying but I didn't care

"We love you so much, we just tried to protect you. I will always protect you. I'll protect you from the monsters under your bed to the boys who might break your heart." I said

"And we don't need to worry about boys because you are not aloud to date until your 30" I said and tickled her stomach

She started to giggle.

"You look so much like your mommy" I said.

"I love you so much." I said starting to cry

I rocked her for a while until I walked out crying.

A Beautiful Mistake (Finchel baby story)Where stories live. Discover now