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Rachel POV

There he is. Finn. Over there making out with his new girlfriend. That could have been us. Every time I think about him my heart breaks even more. If that's possible.

I was just walking down the hallway down the halls to McKinley when I had a suddenly had to throw up. I ran to the bathroom and into a stall.

After throwing up for 5 minutes I walked out and rinsed my mouth.

"Rachel? Were you just throwing up?" Miss.Pillsbury asked me

"Ya I think I just ate something bad last night." I said

"Can I see you in my office?" She asked and I nodded my head yes and walked to her office with her

"Sweetie, what's going on? Is it an eating disorder? Because I'm not believing this bad food story." She asked me

"I don't know." I said looking down

"Sweetie when was the last time you got your period?" She asked me. This was so inappropriate but she was a teacher so I had to answer.

"Oh my god." I said realizing I was late. "About a month and a half ago." I said

"Here." She said handing me a pregnancy test. I don't know where this lady just pulls this out from, but I take it and walk to the bathroom.

I took the test and waited for the time to be up. After 3 long minutes I checked the test. It read:


I Rachel Barbara Berry was pregnant with Finn Hudson's baby.

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