Chapter 1

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-Skylar's POV-

*beep beep beep*

It's now Monday how exciting (sarcastic). I rolled out of bed and read the clock. 6:00 so early. I got my clothes out of the drawer witch consisted of, jeans and a plain white shirt. I got in the shower and washed my body an hair. I got out of the shower and dried my self. I put on my lotion put my clothes on and my glasses. It was 7:00 by the time I was finished. I went downstairs to eat my toast with jelly that my mom made me. I finished my toast and got my bag and left.

-at school-

I walked down the hall to get to my homeroom. Everyone was staring and laughing at me. I finally reached my classroom and went inside. I was the only one in there besides my teacher not a surprise.

"Hi Ms.Rose" my teacher Mrs.Sofia said.

"Hi Mrs.Sofia"

I sat down and the bell rang. I saw Brittani walking in. I didn't make any eye-contact.

-Brittani's POV-

I walked into homeroom and saw "the nerd" Skylar. I sat in the seat in front of her. She tried avoiding eye-contact but I didn't let the happen. She was reading her book so I turned around and slid her book off her desk.

"What was that for!" she said in her ugly voice.

"What?" I said

"Ugh forget it" she said

"That's what I thought" I said

She went to go pick up the book and then the bell rang. I left to first period. I went into my math class and saw Cameron and noticed he had an empty seat next to him. I sat next to him.

"Hi Cammy" I said scooting closer to him

"What do you want Brittani" he said yelling/whispering and pushing me away.

I started leaning in for a hug then he pushed me away and yelled/whispered.

"I saw what you did to Skylar. You're so rude and disrespectful. WE ARE THROUGH" he said storming off to a different seat.

-Cameron's POV-

"I saw what you did to Skylar. You're so rude and disrespectful. WE ARE THROUGH" I storming off to a different seat.

"Hi class today you guys are going to work on a class project. I assigned partners. Brittani and Hazel, Cameron and......."

"Please let it be Skylar. Please let it be Skylar"


"YES" I said out loud and everyone stared at me. Brittani gave me a glare.

I had a tiny crush on Skylar. Her beautiful brown hair. She looks cute with her glasses on. Her green eyes. She is smart. She is perfect how come people don't like her I don't get it.

She came over and and started talking about the project. I couldn't help but keep on staring. Then the bell rang and I left math.

-Skylar's POV-

"Cameron and Skylar" my math teacher said.

"YES" I heard Cameron yell. I wonder why? Does he like me? Probably not he probably just said yes so I could do all the work.

I got nervous walking towards him. When I got there I started talking about the project. Cameron just kept staring. Then the bell rang and I left.

-lunch time-

I sat at my normal spot all alone. After I devoured my sandwich I saw Cameron coming over.

"Hi" he said

"Hi. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with your friends."

"Ya but I wanted to talk to you"


"How about I walk you home? Meet me in front of the school?"


With that he left to his friends.


Hope you guys like my first chapter. I tried my best.

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