Chapter 4

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~Skylar's P.O.V~

We went up to my room and chatted for a bit.

S- "So how are you and Brittani doing" I asked.

H- "We aren't really friends anymore"

S- "Oh sorry about that it's all my fault"

H- "No, it's fine really. Listen Skylar I really felt bad once I just left you to be with Brittiani. I'm happy I could be your friend again!" she said with a smile.

We hugged, and decided to head to the mall together. Once we arrived at the mall we headed to forever 21 because Hazel insisted on going. "We should give you a huge makeover!" Hazel said with excitement. "I don't think that's a good idea. I don't really like dressing girly." I said scrunching my eyebrows. "Oh come on it's going to be so fun!" Hazel said smiling. "Alright" I said giving in. Hazel started jumping up and down clapping her hands.

Hazel started running around forever 21 grabbing crop tops, shorts, high-wasted shorts and jeans, dresses, tops, muscle tees, tanks, and shoes,heels,and sandals. After forever 21 we went to rue 21, Urban Outfitters, Pacsun, Brandy Melville, and ect. . After all the shopping we went to go grab some lunch at Panera Bread. After that we went back to my house. After about ten minutes of staying at my house Hazel went back to her house.

I checked my phone and it read 10:06. I went upstairs and changed into sweats and a well-fitted shirt. I fixed my hair so it's all down. I went downstairs to eat with my family, after our dinner was over, I went upstairs washed my face and brushed my teeth. I went on my phone for 30 minutes and fell right asleep.

~Hazel's P.O.V~

I woke up around 10:00. I took a shower and got dressed in some light washed high wasted shorts, a grey crop top, a knit cardigan, and white vans. I was headed to the mall to get Skylar some makeup, not that she needed any she is has a flawless face already.

I got to the mall and went to get a lot of makeup for her. I was about to leave when I saw Cameron. I went up to him and said hey.

H- "Hey Cameron"

C- "Hey Hazel" he said that like he isn't happy to see me.

H- "Listen Cameron I'm not friends with Brittani any more alright. I know both of you broke up already, but that doesn't mean we can't be friends. She's a bitch."

C- "Alright I guess we can still be friends. So what are you up to?"

H- "I'm heading to Skylar's house. How about you?"

C- "Why are you heading to her house"

H- "We are friends."

C- "Do you mind if me and my friend Nash comes?"

H- "No, let's go now!"

We all went in my car to head to Skylar's house. "So since when did you and Skylar become friends?" Cameron asked? "Well we were friends back then. Ever since Brittani came along I didn't hangout with her anymore. I couldn't handle that bitch anymore, so I went back to hanging with Skylar, and yesterday gave her a huge makeover." I said while pulling into Skylar's driveway.

~Skylar's P.O.V

I was still wearing my sweats and shirt eating cereal, when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and there stood Skylar, Cameron, and a very attractive boy with lovely blue eyes, brown hair and a couple blonde streaks through it.

"Hey what are you guys doing here and, who is this handsome friend you have here Cameron." I said with a wave. "This is Nash, Nash this is Skylar." Cameron introduced. "Hey" I said. "Hey" Nash said with a cute voice and a really attractive smile.

"What are you doing still wearing your pajama's let's go get you changed." Hazel said grabbing my arm and running up the spiral stairs into my room. I got out of her grip and yelled to the boys that they could watch some television while I get ready.


Just a little update another one come thing today.😃😃

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