Back to School

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September 4th

*Gabriel's POV*

Ugh we have to go back to school today. We just had the summer holidays, which was basically just me eating candy and re-watching Doctor Who. I quickly got dressed and jumoed down the stairs, crashing into Cas on the way down. We both landed on the floor. "G-Gabriel you d-dii-dick" Cas stood up, glaring at me. "Well, you are what you eat" I lept up and walked into the kitchen, laughing at my own joke. "What's gotten you into a good mood Gabe?" Luci questioned me, while I made a bowl of lucky charms. "I'm not sure, but I can tell something good is going to happen today, I can feel it." I sat down at the kitchen table, shoveling a large spoonful of cereal in my mouth.

After breakfast, we all piled into Luci's car and drove to school. When we got there, Luci ran off to his best-friend (basically his boyfriend) Micheal, leaving me and Cas to go to our lockers, which were luckily next to each other. While getting our books out of our lockers, a teacher came to us. "You boys are needed in reception. Don't worry, you're not in trouble" She walked off leaving me and Cas confused. Why are we needed in reception? We walked down there to find two boys standing there. One looked like a ken doll, but the other guy? Damn, he's hot. His long brown hair and chocolate brown eyes. He's tall and quite well built. I kinda hope he's gay. Actually, screw it, I need him to be gay, that moose will be mine. He's going to be the victim of many of my pranks though. "Hello Gabriel and Castiel, I need you two to show Sam and Dean around the school. Castiel you will guide Dean and Gabriel you will guide Sam. However Gabriel, Sam is a selective mute so he doesn't talk. Don't ask personal questions, and I've made sure you're in the same class" Our head teacher told us as we walked over to him. "Yeah ok" I said, walking over to Sam.

*Sam's POV*

The short boy started to walk over to me. He has golden hair slighlty shorter than mine, and looked good. Like, really good. "Hello, I'm Gabriel but you can call me Gabe. I'm guessing your Sam, am I correct?" He said, smiling at me. I nodded my head, smiling too. "Ok, are you ready for the best tour of the school you'll ever get?" He asked, giggling like a small child. I grinned and followed him down the halls.

".... and that finishes the tour of this shitty school. Now that we are done, do you want to go set up some pranks?" He looked at me, his eyes shining with hope. I nodded my head grinning. "Well then let's go" He grabbed my wrist and dragged me down the halls.

We ended up filling a couple lockers with ping pong balls. Gabriel was impressed that I could pick locks. We also spray painted the boys bathroom writing "Trickster and Moose are going to start the apocalypse. Beware". Eventually we had to go to class. We had missed first period so we went straight to maths.

*Dean's POV*

I watched Sam walk of with that short boy, I think his name was Gabriel. But that other kid, he looked amazing. He had messy black hair and eyes bluer than anything I have ever seen. He walked over to me. "Hey, my n-names Casss." He swore under his breath. "I'm Castiel" He said. He looked scared. "Hi, my name's Dean." I smiled, trying to be friendly. He looked slightly better. "Well let's g-get this t-tour over and d-done with, then we c-caa- then we can go t-to class.

"Well, th-thats it." He said after about half an hour . "Ok, what class do we have now?" I asked, looking at him. "History" He said after looking at his timetable. We started walking to our classroom when we saw Sam and Gabriel go into the boys toilets together. "What are they doing?" I said, not fully trusting Gabriel. "Not sure, m-maybe setting up a p-pr- setting up a p-prank" He said, not even the slightest bit worried that his brother and my brother are both going into the bathroom together. "Is this school homophobic?" I asked Cas, hoping it wasn't. "Oh n-no, it's qu-quii- it's quite accepting, which I'm glad about" He answered, saying the last bit quietly. "Why are you glad?" I questioned. If this boy is queer I need to know. "O-Oh well er I'm pan" He mumbled, looking embarressed. "Ok that's cool. I'm bi, and Sammys gay." I said, grinning that this boy liked dick. "Oh c-cool. Gabriels g-gay t-t-too" He said smiling back at me. We arrived outside our history class, and walked in sitting at the back. Maybe this school wasn't going to be so bad after all.

AN: Hey guys it's me. I've become addicted to writing this book now so yay for me. This means I'm actually going to update alot. My exams are really shit right now though. During the maths test, loads of people started crying. I dont blame them, maths is torture. Anyway my mum is shouting at me to go to bed, so goodnight y'all - Lars

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