Track 2: Erase

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"Good morning, Haruka." Y/N greeted as she walked into the music room, smiling cheekily after her morning spent with breakfast in bed with Kazue.

"L/N-san, good morning!" Haruka immediately jumped up from her seat and bowed in her greeting.

"You don't have to do that." Y/N sweatdropped, waving her hands back and forth. "And just Y/N is fine. I like being on first name bases with those I work with." She explained with a smile.

"Oh." Haruka stood up straight and blinked, before she smiled back happily and once more sat down at the piano, leaving some room on the velvet bench for Y/N to sit beside her. "I-I don't mean to pry, but you look really happy this morning, considering what happened with Syo-kun...Did something good happen?" The orange haired female curiously questioned the more experienced female.

The (F/C) blinked, as if confused, before her cheeks dusted a soft pink and she tugged at her hair embarrassed. "Ah, yes, I guess you can say that. Kazue brought me my favorite breakfast this morning and we watched a couple of our movies before he had to go drop off Fumie at the airport." She explained.

Haruka slowly nodded her head, as she remembered how Fumie had gotten an emergency text in the middle of dinner for her to return to her home because of something really important happening. The green haired keyboardist looked so terrified that it concerned everyone who had witnessed it, especially Y/N who had called off the rest of dinner so that Fumie could go to sleep early and leave first thing in the morning.

"I've been meaning to ask...But you and Kazue-san are very close. Have you known each other long?" The orangette then questioned, in which brought a darker hue to cover Y/N's cheeks.

"We've known each other since I joined METEORITES." Answered the (F/C)ette. "We've actually been dating for almost three years." She added, causing Haruka to stare at her wide eyed.

"Are you allowed to do that?" Haruka asked, looking completely concerned. She had never heard that Emi Aoi was dating anyone, that was actually one reason that the idol was so popular among her male fanbase. Not to mention, Shining's rule of no one dating.

"Raging Entertainment is completely different than Shining Agency, Haruka." Y/N sighed, almost seeming a bit awkward about the sudden subject of dating. "And, as far as I'm aware of, with the new joining of Shining-Rage, dating among the idols will be allowed. Like it used to before." She explained, once more shocking the orangette.

Haruka had always thought that there was a reasoning behind the rule, that there was something big and drastic at stake, like an idol's career, so she never really questioned it. Especially since she didn't have any romantic interests in her almost six years of working in the agency. Now it seemed, according to Y/N, that there was a time that people dated before? It made her immediately wonder what had happened to cause the rule to emerge.

"Alright! Enough about that stuff, we have songs to write! Do you have any ideas yet?" Y/N questioned, clapping her hands together and smiling at the other female.

"Oh, right! I was actually thinking of a couple of notes while looking at the different instruments that are in this room." Haruka immediately scrambled to grab some of the music sheets she had already begun in her wait on Y/N that morning, as well as a few she had done the night before. Of course she had immediately found the music room soon after the incident with Syo, and unlike the other rooms, it was quite cozy and small. It had a brown odd texture on the wall that looked like chocolate bars, and on two of the four walls hung many different string and wind instruments, some of which Haruka didn't even know existed. On the left side of the room was a drum set, and on the right side of the room, near the window, was the grand piano that the two females were sitting on.

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