CHAPTER 1. dumbstruck!

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“Look Alex I like you and all but if anyone finds out I may as well be eating lunch near the bin, it’s just being seen with you is too much of a risk for my reputation, I hope you understand”

 These were the last words Louis Lockwood, told me before he ran off to his friends 5 minutes ago. I, Alexis Shannon Anderson am currently standing in the exact same place he left me, dumbstruck trying to process what just happened. 

 Louis Lockwood is Ellen- hills high schools hottest student (quoted from every single female and gay breed who attended Ellen- hill high including most the teachers may I add) which I have had a crush on from the day I laid eyes on him, it was like love at first sight only that the feeling  wasn’t mutually shared.  He had mesmerising emerald green eyes which worked wonders on every women and brown messy hair which only he could pull off; don’t even get me started on his body, he had tanned skin and maths may be my worst subject  but I’m pretty sure the last time I checked he was supporting an eight pack. Long story short, he was every women/ gay man’s dream beau.

And I, Alexis Shannon Anderson just got dumped by him. No, I wouldn’t say dumped since we weren’t really an item, we were more like friends with benefits. Benefits as in I did all his homework and got to make out with him a couple of times, nothing more. I told him that I liked him and so did he but we didn’t DTR or anything so we weren’t dating or boyfriend/ girlfriend if you prefer to call it that. I didn’t tell anyone about what we were doing since he asked me not to except for my best friend Ella. I think being seen with me would be equivalent to coming out of the closet for a gay man and he just wasn’t up for it. Being the naïve person I am I thought the only reason he didn’t want to tell anyone was because he was still processing his feelings towards me, turns out he was just too embarrassed to be seen with me. Well I can’t really blame him. I was the schools number 1 loser/nerd/goody-goody/teacher’s pet/whatever you want to call it. Yup that was me alright. Luckily I wasn’t a loner; Ella Hendricks is my best friend. She is the complete opposite of me. She’s out going, extremely beautiful, everyone loves her. People always ask her why she’s my friend; contrary too many believes I did not pay her to be my friend. She’s been my best friend since she moved to Ellen high 2 years ago. Being the ‘teacher’s pet’ I am, the principle told me to make her feel at home and I did just that. We found out we had many things in common like our love for thriller movies since we both had a fantasy of being spy’s when we were older. Fat chance of that happening. And also our love for basketball. Well okay I love playing basketball and she loves cheering for basketball players but at the end of the day we both love basketball. I guess having one friend doesn’t make me a loner right? I’m going off topic; I honestly don’t know what possessed me to think that I and Louis could be a couple. Oh right I do know, Ella did. She kept telling me that he’ll come around and notice what an amazing person I am and how lucky he is to have me. I don’t know why I believed her, of course she had to say this to me, she was my friend.

So here I am, outside my locker, where I’ve been standing for god knows how long trying to put everything together. I didn’t know how I was supposed to feel, was I supposed to be heartbroken? Was I supposed to cry? It happened so quickly, it caught me off guard.

“are you just going to stand there all day staring in to space? People think you’re a psycho as it is, do you really want to prove there point?” a familiar feminine voice said bringing me back to life.

“I think I just got dumped” I said bluntly still standing in the same spot.

“WHAT THE FUCK?” Ella shouted causing unwanted attention drawn to us.

“What do you mean you just got dumped?” she said in normal volume noticing everyone stare at her.

So  I explained to her what Louis just dropped on me.

“THAT BASTARD!”  Her voice rising but not as loud as before. “He can’t just string you along and tell you he likes you then just ditch you for his stupid reputation.” Anger was visible in her voice.

“Calm down Ella. He has a point, I mean lets face it, who wants to be seen with me.” I said.

“YOU’VE GOT TO BE FUCKING KIDDING ME?” now her voice was louder than before but luckily there wasn’t many people left in the corridors.

“alex your amazing and beautiful and smart and funny and urgh I don’t get why know one see’s it apart from me. I mean I get that you wear clothes 10 sizes bigger and your fashion sense if worse than my grandma and that you don’t ever make an effort with that beautiful golden hair and those thick specs are covering your beautiful blue eyes and that you eat like a pig and bite your nails and drive that peace of crap truck if you can even call it a truck and- ” She rambled.  Oddly all her anger vanished and she smirked while cutting herself of mid-sentence.

“So he’s embarrassed to be seen around you huh?” she randomly pointed out.

“Precisely” I confirmed.

“he’ll be begging to be seen around you when I’m done with you” she said with a huge smirk on her face that I only see when she beats me at Mario kart. Which is rare, I’ll tell you that.

“What do you mean by ‘when I’m done with you’” I asked confused. This only caused her smirk to widen if that’s even possible.

“Well my sweet innocent Alex” she said speaking to me like I was in kindergarten.

“you my friend are going to get an EXTREME make over from yours truly” she winked before she too left me standing in the same spot once again, dumbstruck trying to process what just happened.

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