The Party from Hell

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"Are you seriously going?" Louis asks with a hint of anger in his tone. His sapphire eyes look like they'll turn into blood red.

"It's his mother's birthday. Alex should meet his grandmother." I shrug my shoulders while packing a small backpack with toys and extra clothes for Alex. My heart is racing so fast I'm positive it'll jump out of my chest.

"His mother hates you and in four years she's never wanted to meet him!" he argues while grabbing a soda from the fridge. His hand grasps the can tightly as he makes his way to the living room.

Mrs. Scots has always loved her son. She's tried to give him everything in the world. When Travis and I first started dating she welcomed me with open arms. Sadly, when we announced I was pregnant with Alex the relationship changed. I became the daughter she always wanted to the harlot that ruined her son's life with a child. She even told me that because of me for the next eighteen years her son will have to pay child support for a child that could be someone else's. When Alex was born she had Travis and him go through a paternity test. Because of her, and Travis' cheating and drinking, I limited his visits. I gained sole custody but don't get a dime from Travis. I'm happy and I hope to God she is.

"Mommy," Alex says nervously entering the room, "do we have to bring her a present?"

"Do you want to bring her a present?" I ask seeing his stuffed Michelangelo toy behind his back.

"Why would you," Louis whispers thinking we can't hear him as he watches the television.

"If you want we can just get her a birthday card," I say after glaring at Louis.

"Okay!" Alex yells with glee as he hugs his toy.

The smile on his face as he slips on his shoes wipes away the nerves he had before. A soft hum of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star starts from him as we exit the apartment leaving Louis on the couch with his shows. Alex's small hand slips into mine as we make our way to the car to leave. The small twinkle in his eyes brighten up my day as we leave the parking lot. The entire ride was filled with Baby Beluga and other kiddie songs. As we reach the street Travis gave me, my stomach drops causing me to slow down.

"Whas wrong mommy?" Alex asks looking up from his toy.

"We forgot to get her a card," I exclaim as I look for a place to turn around.

"Not you didn'ts." he says holding up the bag with a card and candy bar.

"Oh, that's right." I sigh continuing to the house with the most cars around it.

We park and sit in the car for a bit to write our happy birthdays and sign the card before going in. My hands begin to shake as we walk across the street. Alex must have known how nervous I was since his hand clasps mine. The sound of people yelling and music playing fills our ears as we reach the door. My heart beats faster as Alex knocks on the door alerting them we were here. Before I can turn and run the door swings open and Travis stands before us.

"Daddy!" Alex exclaims with excitement as he jumps into his father's arms. My hand feels empty since he let go and my body won't move.

"Come on, let's go Cas." Travis wraps his arm around my waist while Alex sits on his hip.

My body moves to his touch and I enter the battle field. All eyes are on us and whispers begin to start. The other children kept looking at Travis and back at Alex. Their eye dim when they see Alex; I receive the same response from the adults.

"Oh I'm so glad you could make it." a woman's voice pulls me from the looks and whispers.

Mrs. Scots turns the corner with a plastic plate filled with small party snack. Her brown hair pulled into a bun on her head revealing strands of gray hairs. She takes off her flower covered apron that hid the gray grumpy shirt and light blue jeans she wore. Alex finally stops laughing to look at his grandma. As a smile grows on her face as he stands up straight to greet her. Travis gives a small push on his back to move him closer to Mrs. Scots. I see his little arms disappear from his sides to his front as he reaches her. The silence in the room seems to make this awkward scene weirder.

"I'm so glad to finally meet you." she says as he reaches her.

"I'm Alex." he blurts out causing her and Travis to laugh a little.

"I know sweetie," she says lowering herself to his level, "I'm your grandma."

A smile grows on both their faces as Alex goes in for a hug. The feeling that rushed over me before dims as I watch their reactions. As he shows her his Michelangelo toy I spy the other kids whispering to each other while pointing. The adults return to their conversations and the house is filled with noise once again. All the fear that's left disappears as a smile grows on my face watching Alex. His reactions to what she tells and shows him cause a small laugh from both Travis and me.

"See, everything is fine," Travis whispers into my ear causing chills down my spine.

"I'm still a little worried." I lie knowing the feelings have gone.

"Mommy, gwama says you and daddy loved each other!" Alex says running over with a freshly baked cookie in hand.

"Of course we loved each other. How else would we have gotten you." I say bending down to him and steal a bite of the cookie.

"And we still love each other, but we're no good together," Travis explains picking him up. "Right?"

"Right, it's more friend love," I say as Alex shoves some of his cookie into his dad's mouth.

"Friend love, Whas that?" he says eating the rest of the cookie as Travis wipes chocolate from his lip.

"You remember that friend you made at the park, Katie," I ask receiving a nod in response, "Daddy and I love to hang out with one another like how you and Katie played at the playground."

"Oh." he says with new chocolate surrounding his face.

Travis lets him down to let him run and play with the other kids. I can feel Mrs. Scots eyes following me around the house. My gaze staying on Alex and the time while hers seems to burn through me.

"What are you thinking about?" Travis asks behind me causing me to jump from shock.

"I'm just keeping an eye on my son," I respond looking away from him and back to Alex.

"Our son," He corrects me, "we made him together. Remember that Casey."

"We may have made him together, but I'm the one that's raising him." my voice raises a little as my chest tightens.

"The only reason you're raising him alone is because you took away most of my rights." he argues keeping his voice calm as I ball my hands into fists.

"The only reason I got full custody of him was because you," I stop mid sentence when I realize I'm screaming and the entire party is just staring at me.

"I told you." I hear Mrs. Scots above the quiet house.

"You told them what?" My voice grows, "You told them that I'm crazy even though you were the one that called me a harlot when I got pregnant. I was the harlot when your son cheated on me and abused drugs. I was the bad one in the relationship when he tried to get me to do drugs during the pregnancy!"

"Mommy?" Alex's voice pulls me from my dangerous rant. The entire house was not only staring at me but Travis and Mrs. Scots.

"Travis I want her out of her now!" Mrs. Scots orders from across the room.

"No worries, Alex and I are leaving," I say picking up my son and heading towards the front door.

The entire house stays quite as Alex and I drive away. The sound of my text tone goes off, but I can care less as the anger rushes through me. 

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