Chapter 3

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    I didn't mean to make her upset. I honestly don't even know what I did. So I followed her. I had to find out why she didn't come back to the bus. When we got to her street, she stopped dead in her tracks. I looked over at her house. There on her porch was the asshole that nearly got his ass beat earlier. He wanted his ass kicked though. I got off the bus. I passed Rose and she grabbed me.
    "No. Don't you even dare think to do that. He will kill you. You don't know what he has hidden over there with him. It could be a gun, knife, anything. He's a criminal. Please, Kells I can't lose you." I walked over to her.
    "Please let me do this. For you."
    "Please..... Don't." She started crying. I grabbed her and pulled her closer to me. "I...I can't see you hurt. Please don't do this. J-Just come back to the bus with me. We will go lay down and forget about today and him. Please." I just looked at her then over at him. He looked familiar. Like we've had problems before. I guess we will figure this out later. She needed sleep. I can tell. I grabbed her and headed towards the bus......
    "HEY MOTHER FUCKER! WHY ARE YOUR HANDS ON MY GIRL?! YOU WANNA DIE NOW FUCKER?!" That pissed me off. I turned around and he was closer to us now, holding a gun up.
    "Why would you bring a gun to a street fight? Huh? Think your going to lose so you brought a gun so you knew for sure you'd win. That's just straight up being a coward there. Why don't you put the gun down and fight like a man?" He threw the gun to the side and put his fists up.

    "Ok, asshole, let's go then."
    "Colson, don't!" Rose grabbed my arm and jerked me back. Then he laughed.
    "Colson? As in the Colson Baker? Wow. Your home? No wonder she disappeared. She always wanted you. Can't believe I didn't notice it was you in that picture. Then this is going to be fun. Watching her watch me kick your fucking ass finally." I jerked my arm from her grip and ran after him. He got a couple swings in but I kept up with him. I drowned her out for the most part but I could hear Rose yelling for us to stop. I couldn't stop. This asshole ruined her. She was never scared to go out in public before, now he comes along and all the sudden she doesn't even want to leave her house. This was for her. I left him bloody in the middle of the street. I got my revenge and she got her justice. Now hopefully he will leave us alone. One thing is for damn sure, she won't be staying here when I leave for tour. I walked over to her. I had a cut on my eye, my cheek and all over my knuckles. Rose grabbed my hands and slowly and gently rubbed her fingers across the cuts. Here and there I winced in pain from the fresh cuts. She lead me to the bus and forced me to sit down. I watched her walk back to the bathroom, then return with peroxide, a regular towel and then some paper towels. This was my punishment for not ignoring him. She set the regular towel down on my lap and laid my hands on top of it, then poured the peroxide onto the cuts on my knuckles and I had to hold in the screams from the pain of the peroxide on my cuts. I just took it because I knew she was mad at me for fighting him but he deserved it. She finished cleaning the cuts out and dabbed the paper towels on them to get the excess peroxide off. Then she took the damp ish paper towels and cleaned the cuts on my face. This hurt worse because they were closer to my eye. After she finished cleaning all my cuts, she just looked at me.
    "You are an idiot for one and for two you need a shower so go get one. I am going to lay down. If I'm still up by the time you finally decide to go to bed, we can talk then. Until then good night, Baker." Damn the last name. I'm in trouble. I watched Rose walk back to the beds. Everyone just looked at me. I grabbed the nearest liquor bottle and chugged.

*2 Hours Later*

    I was shit faced. There was no doubt to it. I walked back to the beds and Rose was laying there, sleeping. I didn't want to wake her up but I needed to lay down. I shook her a bit. She rolled over, faced me, opened her eyes, growled a bit, then rolled back over.
    "The hell was that for?" I asked her.
    "You really want to have this conversation right now? I would rather not have this conversation at whatever time it is. Seriously it is not something either of us want right now. Can I please just go back to bed? We will talk in the morning. Please, Baker, I'm not in the mood for this."
    "Could you please stop calling me by that name?"
    "Why? It is your name. What's wrong with me calling you by it?"
    "You know what's wrong with you calling me it. You never call me Baker unless you are pissed at me. It's always been Colson or Col. Hell you called me Kells today. Machine Gun Kelly or MGK or Kells was never what you called me. Ever. You thought you were talking to someone else when you called me that. That is why you still called me Colson. Today you finally called me Kells. That made me happy. Please don't call me Baker. Please it makes me feel like I'm losing you again. I can't have that happen again. I hated when we didn't talk. We fought for two weeks then I had to leave. Do you know what that did to me? You ignored all my messages. Never answered one of them. All I wanted to do was apologize for what I did. I love you to death and I would never ever want to hurt you. When I heard from several people that saw you with bruises up and down your arms and you constantly had a black eye. I wanted to come home and beat whoever was hurting you. I couldn't take knowing you were being hurt. I couldn't stand the fact that I hurt you. So all I ask is for you to forgive me and come back to me. I have barely slept since I started this tour. I can't sleep without you next to me. That's why we slept in so long. I needed that sleep. I went on stage every night mainly fueled up on energy drinks and alcohol and sometimes weed. I constantly was drunk or high. I can't do this without you. Please I am begging you to come back. I need you. I did that today for you. He deserved that. You didn't deserve what you got. I still love you. I never stopped. After that fight when you told me you wished you never met me and I ruined your life, it hurt me, badly. That's one if the reasons behind several of my songs. I missed you too much. Writing was hard without you there beside me. Please come back." At this point I had tears in my eyes and I was on my knees. She crawled out of the bed and was holding onto me. The tears started rolling down my face and she wiped them away. She even started crying.
    "I....I'm so sorry, Col. I feel so bad right now. I didn't know all of that was over that fight. I was mad and drunk that night I said all those things. Then you left a couple weeks after that for tour before I could say I was sorry. When you texted me, I was too embarrassed to message you back, so I didn't. I just read them. They gave me hope but it wasn't enough. This was. I love you too. I always have and honestly always will. Just don't ever do that again. Let's get some sleep please." She kissed my forehead and we got up in bed and snuggled. We both fell asleep accidentally while we were kissing. Haha!

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