Chapter 6; You'll Be Back

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    I wake up in the spare bedroom of the house. Was it just a dream? But it felt oh so real. The smell is still there, though. Something is definitely burning. I shoot up out of bed and sprint to the kitchen, only to find Jared screaming at the burning food on the stove and Dad running around looking for something.

    I come to the conclusion that he is looking for the fire extinguisher, which is right next to me. I grab it and hurriedly put out the blazing flames before they can spread.

    "JARED WHERE IS THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER?!" Dad yells, still running around like an idiot. He finally arrives back in the kitchen. "JARED WHERE THE HE-" He stops when he sees us. "NEVER MIND."

    "YEAH, LANEY PUT THE FIRE OUT." Jared yells.

    "THANKS SWEETHEART." Dad shouts to me.


    "BECAUSE IT'S FUN." The guys point out in unison.


    After a while, we all eat stuff our faces with ice cream because Jared destroyed our food. We eat the whole gallon of ice cream and we all just pass out on the couch. And guess where I end up? A certain bunker in Lebanon, Kansas.

    But this time, I have one hand cuffed to the bed frame in a room that I recognize as Dean's. I look around for anything to pick the lock with, but fail. I am broken away from my trail of thoughts when I hear the door creak open.

    "Oh, look who's awake Sammy." Dean says as he strolls in.

    "Hey Dean I'm gonna head to the store. You need anything?" Sam mentions.

    "Nah, I'll be fine."

    "Alright." Sam then leaves Dean and I alone.

    "So, 'Angie'. If that even is your real name. Sam and I went to investigate, and we found that there is no record of you or your mom anywhere." Uh-oh. Time to do some acting. "So either you're lying, or you're clueless."

    "I-I don't understand. Like, why wouldn't there be any records of us?" I put on my most convincing 'innocent and confused' look that I could do.

    "You tell me." Dean sits down in front of me on the bed.

    "I don't know." I say, teary eyed.

    "Why should I believe you? For all I know you could be some monster that's going at an attempt to trick two infamous hunters, just so that they will fall into your clever little trap. So what do ya say we do some tests hm?" He pulls out a silver dagger and my eyes widen in fear. He inches closer to me and I inch away from him.

    "Please, I'm- I'm not a m-monster I swear." I cry, my body beginning to tremble. I know that it will be quick and harmless, but ever since what my father did to me when I was little, I am terrified around any weapon at all. Eventually, I am all of the way against the bed frame, begging Dean not to hurt me.

    "I'm sorry, I just don't believe you. I apologize if you're not lying, but I have to do this. Close your eyes if you have to." Dean says with a cold look on his face. I keep attempting to kick Dean away from me, but he finally just grabs my arm and slices the knife through my skin. I try to pull away as he does, causes the knife to cut deeper and longer into my arm. I scream in pain as the dagger cuts into me and as Dean quickly pulls it out. I see a look of guilt flash over Dean's face. "Sorry." He mumbles. He takes a cup off the table and pours liquid from a flask and a Little bit of salt in, stirs it and tells me to drink it.

    "No, no, I-I don't- I don't want to." I stutter, looking at him with scared eyes, holding my left arm in my right hand.

    "Just please drink it." 

    "I'll make you a deal. I'll drink a bit of that if you promise to let me go. I won't bother you again. Ever. Please." I beg the intimidating man before me.

    "Sweetheart, that's just not gonna work. How about this. You drink ALL of this, and I un-cuff you. We won't lock you up again unless you give us a really good reason to." Dean compromises. I think about it for a moment, and then I nod my head in agreement. "Good." Since one of my arms is cuffed to a bed frame and the other has a rather large and painful gash on it, Dean slides his warm hand behind my head and brings the cup to my lips. After I finish the disgusting mix of water and salt, Dean unlocks the handcuffs.

    "Alright, let me see that arm." He says. I lift it up for him to see. "This is a pretty deep cut. I'm really sorry. I didn't mean to-"

    "It's fine. I pulled away, it was my fault." I cut him off.

    "Well, I don't think that we can just put a bandage over this. We need to stitch it up."

    "Can we just patch it up for now and wait until Sam gets back to stitch it up? He seems like a better stitcher-upper." I say awkwardly.

    "Umm, sure?"

    "Okay, is it okay if I take a nap until he gets back?"

    "Sure kiddo." Dean walks out of the room and closes the door, leaving me alone, drowning in my own thoughts. 'Just calm down. When you wake up, you'll be back on the couch next to J2. You'll be back.' And with that, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.



PLEASE READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So here's another chapter. I have an announcement to make. From now on I will need a certain amount of votes before I update again. Just in case you don't know, votes are the stars at the end of the chapters. Soooooo, I'll start off small, when I get five votes on THIS CHAPTER I will update again. Yes, I'm keeping my chapters hostage. Share this story if you have to. Whatever you have to do for more votes. Have a nice day my little Squirrels.


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