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I've always wondered what it's like to have the perfect life. The perfect grades, the perfect boyfriend, the perfect body, the perfect family, everything. Im not fat, but I'm not skinny. I just have a normal body, but I get hate for it. I don't get basic brats in my school. They think they're the crap and walk around like loosing your v-card in 8th grade is cool and attractive. They're nasty girls. Not just their personality and how they treat everyone exept their friends, but the way they dress and the way they latch onto their boyfriends in the hallways. I'm happy I'm not like that. I'm just me, Georgia La'marre.

Before I open my eyes this morning, I wonder how my day will go today. As usual, I turn my phone on to about three to five text messages reminding me for the millionth time that I'm a fats do ugly and that no boy will ever like me back. I roll my eyes and smirk and let out a small laughter of irritation as I stand up from my bed. I throw my phone on the bed and let out a yawn and raise my arms above my head. I sway towards my closet and grab yoga pants and a flannel top. I slide the clothes on and enter my bathroom to my brother blow drying his hair. I ask him if he can hurry up but he ignores me. My brother Matt is 11 but has an attitude of a 16 year old douche. I could tell he was almost done so I walk back into my room and do my makeup. I don't wear much, just face coverup and mascara. Unlike the brats at school with coats of bronzer and hot pink eyeshadow.

I walk back to the bathroom and see that Matt was gone. I brushed through my hair and opened the drawer under the sink to get my straightener off. I run the iron through pieces of my hair and eventually my long, thin, blonde hair is perfectly straight. I kind of liked the way I looked today. The natural lovable look that nobody has a reason to judge, unless they hate flannel.

I grab my backpack and go down the stairs. Not a sign of mom or dad. My dad is probably passed out at another woman's place and my mom is most likely at work trying to save our family.

My mom is one of the most generous, hard working person I've ever met. My dad is unexplainably rude and cheats on my mom every night. My mom probably knows but doesn't say a thing. I hardly even see her because of work anyways. I respect that though so it doesn't bother me.

I grab my backpack and head out the door, saying bye to Matt. My bus comes early because I go to high school. I'm a sophomore, so were the oldest at North Campus. We don't see juniors or seniors at all. They stay at South Campus unless your in a freshman or sophomore class. I step on the bus and plop into the front seat with my friend Cami. Cami is my best friend. She knows everything about me and I love her with a passion. My other friends don't compare to her though, she's been my friend since the start.

"Hey girl!" Yells Cami as she looks at me with a perfect smile. "Hi" I say with a smile back. She cares a lot about me. One time I got bitch slapped in the girls bathroom and Cami skipped class to clean the blood off of the cut accross my cheek. The conversation stoped as we both look at our phones. I was scrolling through my Instagram feed and see a picture of Cathlynn Jones with her boyfriend Mason Martinez.

I've had a crush on Mason for forever now and I wouldn't be surprised if he has never noticed me before. I'm not very outgoing, especially when he's dating Cathlynn Jones, the meanest of them all. The think that doesn't make sense to me is that Mason is one of the nicest guys in the grade, and he's dating the biggest bitch in the school. Yeah, that totally makes sense.

"Georgia, how's mason going?" She says sarcastically as she catches me staring at the picture of the couple on my phone. "Shut up!" I say as I let out a laugh and a soft punch to her shoulder. "You know you should really talk to him." She seems serious, so I give her a look of embarrassment. "You know you'll never see me again after you know who finds out. And besides, I can perfectly picture him just looking at me in discust." I put my head down and wait for Cami to respond. "Oh shut up Georgia. Your georgeous. I ask my self every 5 minutes why people treat you like they do." I look up and give her a smile of love. "Love you, Cami." I say. "Love you too girl, don't forget it." The bus enters the school parking lot and opens the doors. We get off and walk into the school.

The nightmare begins.

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