Chapter 2

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Lately I've been feeling horrible about myself. Everyone hates on me for every little flaw I have. Why do they waste their time on something so worthless? I walk into class and all I can hear is wispers and giggles about me screeching into my ear and bleeding out of the other. I go to sit down in the back of the class and everyone stares back at me. I feel so violated. I know that nobody will ever love me. I know that I'm everything everyone's says I am. I know that I'm a waste of space. The only person who cares is Cami.

Why should I even be complaining. Camis life's is 100 times worse than mine. She's attempted suicide 3 times. Her boyfriend that she was dating for 2 years cheated on her. I thought she was going to be gone for good. She took 5 vikidins (extreme pain killers) and cut so much of her body. Things have been going bad for her too. She hasn't been talking to me as much lately so I worry. I'm scared to loose her.

I turn my phone on silent and place it in my pocket. I grab my books for study hall and shut my locker. I get to the library and walk to the empty table. I open my math book and give it a look of disust. All the popular girls and the football players walk in. I reach in my pocket and notice that I have ear buds and my phone. I struggle to untangle the wire. It's been like two minutes now and I'm still trying to fit my finger through the knotted holes. I ask myself why this is so difficult and pull each end so tightly that it flies onto the ground besides me. I stand up from my chair and bend down to grab them. I reachmy hand onto the floor but to only realize my hand is placed onto another. I emidiatly look up to see who's hand it is and my heart drops a thousand feet under myself. It's Mason.

I feel neacous. My hands start to sweat so I removed my hand from his. "These yours?" He says with a smile. We've been making eye contact for so long it feels like. I haven't said a word. "Okay I guess so." He laughs and I can't help it but to laugh with him. We stand up, both staring eachother in the eye, and he runs his fingers through his brown flowy hair. "Yeah, thanks." I say with a grin. "You're Georgia right?" He says with the most breathtaking smile. His teeth are so white and perfect I melted a little inside. I let the sentence he just said sink in with the biggest shock in my system. "Yeah. Georgia La'marre. Your -" "Mason Martinez." He cuts me off. We both let out soft laughs and continue with the eyes contact thing. There's something about him that hypnotizing. His crystal blue eyes sparking into mine. And right before you know it, there's a agonizing scream is the distance.

"MASON." The screech broke our eye contact as we both looked to the side where, of coarse, Cathlynn fucking Jones stomps up. "You told me you were going to ask Ben a question about football practice." She says while giving me a horrifying death stare. Mason rolls his eyes. The way she looked at me gave me a chill that traveled up my spin and into my neck. Mason said nothing. Cathlynn grabs his arm and yanks him away from me. As he's forcibly walking away from me, he turns back and gives me a smile like I've never seen before.

I sit back down in my chair, gripping the stupid ear buds. I probably look like an idiot right now. Who cares. Mason Martinez just hit on me. I replay the scene of our eyes meeting over and over.

Masons POV:

I open my locker with the voice of Cathlynn talking about prom in my left ear. I'm not paying any attention. Why does she care so much? She knows we're going, she doesn't need to try to give me hints. I'm planning on doing something super special for her though. She stomps with her obnoxious heels besides me as we walk to study hall. I see my friends wave to me at the table as I walk towards them. And of coarse, right as I get to the chair I was planning on sitting in, Cathlynn grabs my arm and pulls me to the table on the other side of the room by all her friends. There not my favorite people. I don't like to listen to their two faced gossip about people they hang out with the next day.

I need to get away from this table. I tell Cathlynn that I need to ask my friend Ben something about football. I get up and walk towards him. Before I get there a tangled wad of ear buds fly in front of me and plop onto the ground. I bend down to grab them. Suddenly a small hand gingerly sets into of mine. We both look up at eachother and make a really interesting eye contact. Her eyes are really distracting. I almost lost my cool but there's something about her that just... I can't put my hand on it... Beautiful. I ask if they are hers. I grin at her to show a sign of effection and she smiles back. Wow. She's something else. I should be saying this. I have a girlfriend. A really demanding one...

She says nothing. As we make a long eye contact, I just say I guess they are. Her cheeks blush as we both laugh. I can't stop looking at her. Her name pops into my head. I know this girl. I've known her since 3rd grade. "You're Georgia right?" I say just to make sure. "Yeah, Georgia La'marre." I cut her off and finished her last name for her. But she didn't mind. We both seemed to be dazed into each others eyes. I don't think I've ever look Cathlynn in the eyes like this before.

We both stand up. I hear Cathlynn in the back yelling at me, as usual. She stares at Georgia with that look I always get when I do something wrong. She confronts me on the Ben thing and I stay silent. I feel bad about her staring at Georgia like that. She yanks me by the arm and pulls me away. This time even harder. I look back at Georgia hoping to see her again later.

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