A Mother's Job

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“Oh thank you so much for coming at a late notice,” the woman said as soon as she answered the door.

“No problem, miss. It’s my job. What can I do for you?” I replied naturally with a smile.

“Well my sink’s been acting up lately. I’ve tried fixing it myself but it’s no good. Please, come in. I’ll show you the way.” She stepped aside, making a gesture to invite me in. I nodded with a smile, ready to provide service as usual. She led me into the living room.

“My son is sleeping in his room. Can I ask you to try to keep it quiet?”

“Yes, of course. I’ll do my best.” I couldn’t help but notice that she was missing two fingers on one hand. Not wanting to be rude, I made no mention of it.

“That would be much appreciated. Would you like a drink? A cold soda or maybe just water?” she offered.

“Oh water is fine, thank you.”

“I’ll be right back then. Go on and take a seat.” She slowly made her way into the kitchen but not without glancing towards the hallway. I couldn’t help but notice how pale and weakly thin she looked. The poor woman wouldn’t have the slightest chance if a robber or a murderer happened to sneak in her house. I wouldn’t be surprised either. It truly was a nice house.

I turned my head to the hallway and took a deep breath. Then I noticed it, a faint odor. Whatever it was, it didn’t smell so inviting. I could tell though that an effort was given to cover the stench with air fresheners. I would know, I’ve done it before… I was making a move to get up when she walked back in with a glass of water.

“Here you are.” She placed it gently on the glass table and while doing so, revealed what looked like a small, ringed bruise on her forearm.

“Miss, is your arm okay? I thought I saw a bit-”

“I’m fine,” she answered hurriedly, retrieving her arm to her chest. “Would you like to see the sink now?” she asked-insisted, rather. I got up and followed her after sipping on the glass of water. We passed by the hallway and I heard muffled shuffling in what seemed to be the first room to the left. I saw two shadows on the foot of the door.

“…mommy? Can I have it?” a small voice asked softly behind the doors. The woman stopped in her tracks and turned with a bewildered look that was quickly masked by a smile.

“Honey go back to bed,” she said with a cold tone that didn’t match the smile on her face.

“Mommy can I have it? I’ll be good this time. Please?” her son, I assume, pleaded.

“Ma’am I think your child needs something,” I said, hesitant.

“He’ll get it in a bit,” she said to me then to her son, “sweetie just be patient. I’ll get it to you later, I promise.” Immediately, she walked away and I followed, a little uncomfortable now. There was scratching behind the doors.

“Was that your son?” I asked with caution when we arrived in the kitchen.

“I think it got clogged when I dumped some left overs there. I wasn’t thinking clearly and instead of putting them in the dispenser, I tossed the food down the drain. It was just cut up meat so I figured it wouldn’t be a big issue. I guess I was wrong,” she explained, completely ignoring my question. I decided not to push it.

“Well let me take a look.” She moved aside and I began taking out some tools. She stayed in the kitchen, leaning by the fridge, watching me. After a while she walked to one of the drawers and opened it, pulling out an item. I couldn’t tell what it was as I soon disappeared under the sink.

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