Chapter 6

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My plans to sleep in on Sunday were halted by grandma waking me up to go for breakfast, which I somehow forgot about. I went straight back to sleep when we got back home, and when I woke up Vicki and Sadie came over to binge-watch Gossip Girl. I went to sleep at midnight thinking I'd get seven hours of sleep, right? Wrong.

I'm currently snuggled into my duvet, half-asleep. Actually, probably more like three-quarters asleep. I swat my hand out, trying to stop whatever the hell is tickling my face.

"Get up,"

"Fück off," I groan. When it doesn't stop, I swat with more force, affectively slapping the twat with the nerve to interrupt my sleep. I'm just drifting back into sleep when I hear an airhorn. Jumping up, I grab a pillow to beat the living shit out of this asshole. I scowl as my vision clears.


"What are you doing here?! How the hell did you get in here?!" I shout.

"Your grandma let me in. You've been my alarm clock lately so I thought it was only fair I returned the favor," he smirks. I jump out of the bed to behead him with my pillow, when I realize I'm only wearing a big t-shirt.

"Get the fück out" I say, bolting back under the covers.

"What? Don't you need up for school?" He feigns innocence.

"Not for another hour you twatbag!" I growl.

"Oops. Well, I'll be waiting downstairs, your grandma made pancakes" he shrugs. I scowl as I push him out of my room before slamming the door. I throw on a t-shirt, shorts, and a zip-up with a beanie and converse. I have finally reached the bottom of the clothing scale, when I wear the first thing I find. What's the point in dressing up, anyways?


As for makeup, I only apply mascara before I run downstairs for pancakes.

"In the future, don't let him in," I say, giving a pointed look to grandma.

"He's useful. He managed to wake you up at a reasonable time," she says.

"This is not a reasonable time. I sometimes fall asleep at this time!" I say.

"Shut up and eat your damn pancakes," she sighs.


"Did you seriously wake up two hours early for revenge?" I ask Vince as I put on my seatbelt.

"Yes," he deadpans.

"I aspire to be on your level of petty," I say in disbelief.

"You're way over my level. Do you remember half the shit you've done?" He scoffs. I raise an eyebrow, urging him to go on.

"Remember that time I stole your brownie on the bus? So you bought a weed brownie from Seth the Stoner and gave it to me at lunch, I got high and suspended for three days?"

"Oh my God, I forgot about that," I say, laughing hysterically. Damn, I really am petty.

"I can't believe I did that, I was always terrified to even be in the same room as any kind of drug. I felt like I was involved in some huge drug deal that SWAT was about to bust," I say.

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