Dixon's Sister?

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Hailey (10 yrs old)

I was sitting in my room while listening to music. Whenever i'm upset about some things in life, music always calms me down, especially heavy metal, Linkin Park and Disturbed are my favorite bands. Anyways, my life story is kinda complicated. When I was five, my mom passed away and my father never told me what happened, and whenever I ask, i'm answered with a beating. My brother Daryl always tried to protect me but my fathers like five inches taller and way stronger. So we all know who wins that battle.

But I am thankful for everything Daryl does for me. When my fathers out drunk, he never really comes home right away, he's always gone for a week or two doing god knows what. When dads gone, Daryl takes me hunting, and hunting is what I love to do on my freetime. Daryl teaches me how to track, have good aim, and he even bought me by own bow. Merle is like a younger version of my dad but without the abusive part. He drinks, smokes, leaves for weeks then comes back and sleeps. Lazy ass does nothing useful. But thats typical Merle....gotta love him.

Hailey (present day 14 yrs old)

I'm walkin' through the forest with my bag full of squirrel, water bottles, and a blanket. Also carrying a bag with a tent. I was with a group and we got overrun. I'm just thankful I grabbed my bow that my brother Daryl got me. I miss him and Merle... but my ol' man? that scum bag can rot in hell... he's the reason me and my brothers got seperated in the first place. When I was 10, I was sitting on the couch reading and the guy knocks me out with a fucking bat! I wake up and I'm in a forest with my bow and a huge headache.

But I know my brothers are alive and I will find em' no matter how long it takes. I was ripped from my thoughts when I hear a moaning noise behind me. Without hesitation I turn and before I could blink, the arrow from my bow was inbetween the walkers eyes. 'Got skill girl' I thought to myself. Ever since My dad left me in the forest with my bow, I've been teaching myself how to survive on my own, and let me tell ya, 1 year in the forest alone and 3 years in a damn zombie apocalypse, I've got so much skill with this crossbow, I've never missed one shot since last year. So proud.

It started to get dark so I just hobbled into a little house along the forest side, and camped in there. Every house I enter... theres atleast 3 walkers or less. I found a king size bed and started to get sleepy, within a few minutes, everything was black.


I was sitting on my front porch and out of nowhere, there's a herd of walkers right infront of me, scratching infront of them reaching for me. I then ran inside and I saw my dad run out the door. I followed right behind him and out the door, there he was. The dumbass jumped into the walkers. I ran inside and shut the door, hearing the muffled screams from my father who is now ripped to shreds. I turned to go find my brothers and I thought that they were the only people who could comfort me at the moment. "Daryl? Merle? Where are you?! " I screamed inbetween sobs. "Hailey!" I heard Merle say. "Whats going on?!" I said. I was now hiding my face in Merles chest soaking his shirt with tears. He was only 3 inches taller then me and so was Daryl. Merle didn't answer and he gripped me tighter. "Merle?" I said just a whisper. Then I heard a moan and when I let go of Merle, I get a clear view of him and realize he's a walker. Before I even thought about screaming Daryls name and arrow went through Merles head and Daryl ran up to me and hugged me tight. But the same thing happened. And nobody else was there to kill him , so when I let go, he jumped on me and took a chunk of my neck off in seconds. Screams of agony left my lips and it was black again.

Hailey (present day)

I woke myself up with a loud gasp and right then I realized how much I really miss Daryl and Merle. I was almost about to burst with water works, but tried with all my might to hold it in. 'Dixons dont cry' I thought to myself. I know theyre alive... every single voice in my head is telling me that all I need is hope. You know, except for that 1 stupid negative voice. 'Daryl and Merle are dead... do u see this world? it's dead. Even if theyre alive, they could be anywhere in the whole damn world. Dont waste your time girl' it says to me. Boy I wanna punch that devil voice so hard. But I chose to ignore it. Im leaving in a few minutes after I check the kitchen for food and supplies. 'No way!' I thought as I walk into the closet of the master bedroom, I found a katana! See how lucky I get? Ya I know(; I checked the kitchen and found a couple water bottles and canned goods. But now im back on the road and knowing that I can die any giving moment, always makes me sick to my stomache. But I chose to ignore it. As Im walking down a long street with parked cars all along the side, I see a herd of about 20 walkers on their way to... me. 'No big deal' I thought. I always think that something good will happen so I dont panick. So I have 20 arrows, and a knife. Hope it goes well. I started with the one too close for comfort and work my way out to the back of the herd. But out of nowhere Im tackled to the ground with 3 walkers left from the herd. Fucking great. I finally pulled out my knife and started killing them one by one but they were all basically on me... with 2 left I stabbed one and it fell on me while hitting the knife out of my hand.

Im struggling to get the walker off me, but im also trying to avoid being bit or scratched. As I go to kick the walker in the face it goes down. I push the other walker off me and look down at the one I kicked, but theres an arrow in its head. "Hailey?" I hear a musky voice say behind me, just above a whisper. I turn around around and lock eyes with the one and only Daryl Dixon. A grin grows on my lips and without thinking the name "Daryl" leaves my mouth with the same just above a whisper voice. The biggest smile I've ever seen shows on Daryls face and before I could take a step Im lifted off the ground and in the arms of the man I've been searching for for 4 years. Daryl Dixon.

(Ok guys this is the first chapter only, there will be more ofcourse^.^ I will update after I have 5 reads and 5 votes! Enjoy! and please comment and vote♡ thanks guys)


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