Chapter 5

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(Hailey's P.O.V.)

"Daryl!" I whisper yelled to him. Not wanting to attract any unwanted company. "What" he mumbled under his breath. Daryl was always to himself. He never liked people or loud noise. He loved to hunt... by himself. Quiet. Alone. But now, if you're alone, you risk your life. "I found tracks, but Im not sure what kind" Daryl taught me alot about tracking and stuff like that, but I never said I was good at it. Daryl walked over and kneeled beside the tracks. They were very faint and barely visable. But Daryl taught me some tricks. "Elk". "Should we go after it?" I kneeled beside the tracks aswell. "Naw, these are old. It's long gone". I frowned and got back to my feet. "Let's keep looking" I dont know why, but I was determined to find some good game.

(Rick's P.O.V. at the prison)

"RICK!" I heard someone yell my name from from down the long corridor of the prison and found Tyreese. "What is it" I said and walked forward. "I found this" Tyrees walked down the hall a little farther and a board with rats on it came into view. "Who did this?" My voice was stern and sharp. "I dont know, but whoever did this must have killed Karren and Dave". My heart immediately sunk and I knew what I had to do. "Tyreese, I know who killed-" I was cut off with a loud thud and peices of the corridor falling down. We were under attack.

(Haileys P.O.V.)

We were walking back from the forest when we heard gunshots and booms (bombs from the tank). "Hailey" Daryl called my name and I turned around. "What". "Im gonna go see what it is, you stay here". "No what the hell". His face softened and I knew I won. "Fine... But only cuz I dont feel like arguin wit ya". I smiled sarcastically and lead the way to the noise. We arrived at the prison and my heart dropped. I saw dead people laying on the prison field, walkers infesting the field aswell, and I gasped at what I saw next. Hershel was laying on the ground. His head cut from his corpse. I immediately knew who did this. My body raged and my face turned so red I could feel it. I then saw the governer on top of rick. I got so angry I started climbing the prison fence. "Hailey no!" Daryl yelled but I gave a stern face and said "what" through gritted teeth. "You'll hurt yourself". I was tired of people telling me what to do. I can take care of myself. "Im fine Daryl I can take care of myself!" And with that, I was over the fence in seconds. I land on the ground and feel a sharp pain go over my side. I look down and realize the top of the fence sliced through my hip. But that wasnt stopping me. I ran over to the governer. I ran into Michonne who I assume was about to kill the governer too. She saw me running towards the governer with my knife and she stopped... then smiled. I watched her nod then I smiled too. I ran right up to the governer grabbed an arrow from my crossbow that was on my back, and right when I was ready, I stabbed him with my knife and arrow on each arm. I pulled them out and stabbed again. He screamed in agony and fell off Rick not able to use his arms to catch the ground. I couldnt stop smiling. Now that he suffered from the pain, I grabbed my bow, loaded it, aimed for his neck, and shot. I wanted him to suffer as much pain as possible. After he died from choking on his own blood, I shot him in the head with an arrow, and helped Rick. I killed our worst threat. The governer.

(Daryls P.O.V.)

I watched my own little sister kill a man. I had no idea she was capable of that. I always thought of Hailey as my own daughter kind of. Knowing our own father wasnt there for her... Or any of us. I was so proud of her. She was a fighter. A killer. Thats what you have to be to survive.

(Haileys P.O.V.)

My stomache stung and I was helping Rick up off the ground. Which hurt me even more. "Daryl!" I yell but when I look at where he was standing, he wasnt there. "Hailey" I turn around and there stood Daryl with Beth and Carl. "Daryl help. I cant do this by myself" Rick was too heavy for me to hold up, and the cut on my hip wasnt helping. Daryl nodded and held Rick up so I could let go. "Wheres Judith?" Rick said inbetween breaths. I look over to Carl and a tear rolled down his cheek. Rick fell to the ground but Daryl caught him. As soon as Rick got over the fact that Judith was gone, we walked. Daryl was helping Rick while me and Carl walked infront of all them. Beth was behind me and infront of Daryl. "Are you okay?" Carl said with concern. Carl and I were best friends. Nothing more. He cared for me and I cared for him. We lost Patrick when the prison was overrun. The council thinks he started the herd. But how? "Ya" I whispered. My throat was dry and I was in so much pain. Nobody noticed my side was bleeding at all. Right after I landed on the ground from jumping the fence, I rapped my sweater around my upper waist. "You're pale" He said, almost choking on his words. "Are- are you bit?" He thought I was bit? "N-no!" I said quickly. He must be scared. I felt horrible for not telling them now because im sending off the wrong message. Do they all think Im bit? "Then why are you so pale. You look like you're losing blood". "I cut myself on th-" I didnt even get to finish my sentence before everything went black and I was out.

(Carls P.O.V.)

I was walking beside Hailey. She was so pale. She was limping. "Are you okay?" I said sadly. I was scared. I think shes bit. "Ya" she whispered softly. I loved hearing her voice everyday. But her voice wasnt the same. Her voice was dry and weak. Even a whisper sounded weak. Yes we are best friends, but my feelings for her are beyond strong. I just think she wants to stay friends. "You're pale" Its true. She was as pale as a ghost. Shes losing blood and I dont know what shes hiding. I wanted to know so I just said it. "A-are you bit?". "N-no!" She said quickly. I was getting frustrated so I raised my voice a little. "Then why are you so pale. You look like you're losing blood". She started shaking and opened her mouth to talk. "I cut myself on th-" she choked on all her words then fell. Before she could hit the ground I caught her in my arms.

(Daryls P.O.V.)

I was helping Rick walk because he was so beat up. I dont know if he'll make it. I look up from the ground and see Hailey in Carls arms. Laying on the ground. Not breathing. And pale. My heart was pounding and I set Rick on the ground as softly as possible with my shaking arms. "HAILEY!!" I screamed, not caring if any walkers heard. "Daryl I think shes bit" Carl says inbetween sobs. "Where?" I checked her pulse(Hersel showed me how) and calmed down knowing she has one.I look down her side and see blood soaking the side of her skinny jeans. I pulled off her sweater that was wrapped around her waist, and there was a big cut starting from her lower back to her bellybutton. It wouldnt stop gushing blood. "WE NEED A FIRST AID KIT OR SOMETHING!!" Carl yells back to Rick and Beth. Beth run s over and looks at the cut. "Ill need to stitch it up" she said while putting pressure on her chest in a certain spot that stopped the bleeding completely. "Theres a house over there" I look to my left and see a huge house I didnt see before. "Ill take Hailey". I started picking her up but Beth was helping. "I can get her myself" I said sternly. "Yes I know, but I have to keep pressure here so she wont bleed again". I nodded and ran into the house. I started giving orders. "Carl search the house, Rick , find someway to block the door. Beth, look for that first aid stuff. Where do I put pressure?". "Here" she said and she put my two fingers in a spot and I pushed on her chest. The blood still not coming. About 5 minutes later, Beth came back with a big first aid kit. At first I thought we would have to search in more than one house, but the first ones even better. She told me to keep pressure while she cleaned the cut and stitched it. About 25 minutes later she was finished. "K, she'll have to rest for about a week before hopefully waking up". I dont know what I felt, but it wasnt a good feeling when she said a weeks rest. But whatevers best for her is what will happen. And I dont know what Ill do for a week knowing my sister might never wake up.

(Hey readers:)  This is chapter 5 of Dixons sister! Now if you havnt noticed, my book doesnt directly follow the story line of the show, but im just making it my own in a way I guess haha:) I have lots of ideas to add to my next chapters. Shout out to my 1 commenter (TyreeseTheBeast) for the idea:) Thank you<33!)

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