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  Virizion feels sore after the excursion. Who wouldn't? They all endured a long trek through winding gorges, fighting endlessly through a perilous frost castle, choking as the air thinned with every step. Now she is safe on the hill that towers over Post Town. The bright moon and flowing grass she lays on feel like they soothe her abrasions and bruises.

  The ache goes deeper for her, though. Ever since they returned, ever since they entered that icy chamber, Virizion's mind has only been on that small cluster of hope and despair, taking her breath just as much as the dark air of the frozen tower's heights. That frism, sitting so innocently on the ground, charged with a voice Virizion never thought she would hear again.

  She didn't know if she had wanted to hear Keldeo again. His cheery voice that evaporated from the warmed frism betrayed his cold, callous letter written so long ago to her. It was messing with her, confusing her. How could that have been the same Pokemon? Warm one minute then cold the next. (Or cold one minute and warm the next? The timeline was uncertain.)

  Though Keldeo's emotions did change on a whim - it didn't take much to turn him around from his bad mood - this was unlike him in nature. Once her best friend, he would have never wanted to hurt her, right?

  Part of her was wanting to hold onto the Keldeo in the frism, to believe that part of him still wanted a friendship between them. A crushing defeat fell over her, the same that had ailed her before meeting the Pokemon in Paradise. She felt hopeless. Her own friend, her dearest friend, his cruel words were fresh in her. The letter, yes, but also the message left in the Glacier Palace, teasing her and haunting her as much as the note.

  A soft crunch of the grass calls Virizion's gaze to a Pokemon approaching her.

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