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   "It is a beautiful night, isn't it?

  She's silver in the moonlight, standing there. The dark night sky and the twinkling stars only serve to compliment her radiance. Virizion isn't entranced, she's aware. The glint of her ruby eyes as they reflect every light, and slight disturbance in her lavender fur. The rustle of leaves and whistle of the breeze all center around her.

Her uneasiness was probably sensed a mile away by the psychic Pokemon. That was just something Espeon was good at, sensing things. Just general hunches or how someone was feeling, like now.

  "Do you mind if I join you?" the purple Pokemon asks, a cautious air in her voice and manner. If she couldn't sense Virizion's despair, she could tell from her tight, defensive stance she took as she simply laid on the grass.

  Virizion's mind stops, torn between "yes" and "no". Eventually the panic of anxiety let a heedless "No, I don't," slip.

  Espeon's already-smile opens into a kind and soft grin. She settles herself down beside Virizion. Her disposition is sort of, effortless. Laying on her side, Espeon let her legs relax to her side, a gesture of confidence, laid-backness, and sophistication that is always a part of how Espeon carries herself. 

  Not at all like Virizion's stiff pose, hooves hidden under her chest, back straight, shoulders tight from the surging conflict in her. She tucks her legs in further, afraid of letting her emotions through if they aren't covered by her cervidae body.

  Espeon looks toward the horizon, and closes her eyes, letting the rest of her senses take in the brisk night. Virizion watches the researcher drink in the atmosphere. A deep, content sigh passes through Espeon as she opens her eyes, cueing Virizion to shift her gaze to the great expanse ahead.

   "It's so gorgeous," Espeon muses, words dripping with wonder. Virizion steals a look back at her, noting the glimmer of glee in her eyes. It was funny that even though Espeon was the Day Pokemon, she was still appreciative to the night.

Virizion adjusted herself stiffly. "I agree. It's rather pretty." She was usually to the point and aloof, but by the way Espeon looks over, worry over her gaze, there's something especially lacking. Monotone, upset. Not the usual Virizion. Not her usual vigor.

  A exceptionally hefty breeze swept around the two women, bringing with it a new breed of conversation.


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