Ch.2|Please Accept My......|

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    CH.2 |Please Accept My Decision

Afterwards the whole incident happened at school, Aiden and his friends were suspended for one semester. Its not like they'd care honestly. I mean, Aiden's Dad is the CEO for Knight Industry.

   Headmaster Smith called my father, which he immediately cancel his meeting with Mister Wang CEO of  Xeon Company. (A/N: 👈 Ive totally made that up.. Sorry its the only thing that comes up on my mind😂) and headed straight at school.


" What happened?"

"Some students decided to make fun of your daughter, Mister Scott." Headmaster said.

"I'd wanna know who did this." my father said in a angerly tone.

"Daddy. please forget this" I pleaded.

"No!" He yelled " I wanna know who did this to you!"

Mr. Smith was about to say the names. but I pleaded him not to.


"JUST FORGET IT DAD!" I yelled and stomped out of the office.

"Wait princess!" My father echo through the school hallways.

I turned around and he sigh in defeat.


"Just go take a bath in the school gym. I'll send Meredith to take you home" He run his hands through his face.

I nodded and headed straight to the gym's shower rooms.

Meredith is my Nanny since I was five years old. She around her mid forties. She has brown hair and pale white skin. She basically my second mom since my mother abandoned my father and I.

Anyways, Meredith came and I was in my gym clothes. she took all my belongings and we both headed home.

flashback end.

"Father you can't just send me away!" I argued with his dumb decision.

"Yes I can and I will" He glared at me."I've already enrolled to Quinton High School. you and Meredith will be leaving first thing in the morning."

"WHY?!! WHY CANT I STAY?!" I got up from my chair and crossed my arms.


I stared at him, my eyes widen at his reason.

"I can't loose you. Do you not realized that if this thing keeps going, you'll have that feeling to let go?" He sigh, his hands running through his face. "That feeling you don't want to feel no pain at all?"

I faced my head down, looking at the tiled floor,and agreeing to his word. I do feel those feelings but I just can't leave my father alone. I mean we both have each other since the day mom left.

"Sam, I love you. You're the only person I've got right now. I just can't loose you. just please......Please accept my decision." His eyes boring to mine with so much emotions.

"Okay. I'll go" I sigh


Yay! Okay just to make things clear, Wayland high and Quinton High is a school for students that in training for business or other high class. Like Companies, Corporation, or Fashion Co.

And just to tell you as an author who totally forgotten a tiny detail, Sam is not going alone, She'll be going  with Meredith.

Olay Okay. That's all for now.

Love ya'


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