Chapter 1: House of King Arthur

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(Reader's POV)

It was dark when we entered the mansion. We wondered why those dogs chased us. They didn't look normal. They looked vicious and hungry. They had rotten flesh too. I was alone. I didn't know where Rebecca, Kenneth, Richard or Enrico were. I was alone, save for my dogs; Dean, Sam and Castiel. They were with me since they were puppies. Well, Sam and Dean actually. Castiel was rescued by me when he was caught in a bear trap and I saved his leg. He was about maybe 5 years-old while the other two were much younger. They growled all around the house an wouldn't stop. All I know was that the run had tired me out and I needed to rest. I signaled the dogs to follow me, and we went into a room upstairs. I forgot I never got to introduce myself! How silly of me! My name is (Your name) (Last Name). There, now that we're done with introductions, we could focus on our story. I looked in the mirror at myself. My (h/l/c) looked messy in the mirror from the run. My (skin/c) had dirt and blood on it from getting cuts and falling. (chubby/chunky/skinny body/t) was reflecting in the mirror. "I look horrible." I said to myself. "I hope there's a shower somewhere close." I thought. I took Dean with me to the bathroom with the clothes I found and took a shower. They at least had running water and some bathroom stuff in the bathroom. Dean was guarding the door as I showered and I felt safe. I dried off and put on the clothes I found. They fit me pretty good. Even had clean, fitting undergarments! I brushed my hair and left the bathroom with Dean back to the room we were resting at. The other two were happy to see us. I sat on the bed feeling very tired. Maybe after a few hours of sleep, I will go search for the others. As soon as my head hit the bed I blacked out, feeling the dogs sleep and cuddle with me.

Chris Redfield

Alpha Team is flying around the forest zone situated in Northwest Raccoon City where we are searching for the helicopter of our compatriots, Bravo Team, who disappeared during the middle of their mission. "We still haven't found it yet?!" Brad asked. I responded on the radio. "No," I said, "not yet Brad." Bizarre murder cases have recently occurred in Raccoon City. There are outlandish reports of families being attacked by a group of about ten people. Victims were apparently eaten. The Bravo Team was sent in to investigate. But we lost contact..... "Look Chris!" Jill said, pointing to the window. Bravo Team's helicopter was a derelict. Save for the remaining body of Kevin, who was chewed up and eaten. He looked mutated somehow... We continued to search for the other members. Walking around the forest together. Waving the flashlights around for them to find us. But that all turned into a nightmare.....One of the men was searching and got separated from the squad. He was apparently hearing some noise there and decided to check it out. Once that first shot was fired, all hell broke lose. Jill and I went to go check it out only to find that Joseph was being eaten by a pack of dogs. They looked like Dobermans. But something wasn't right about them....They ate like they might never see food again. They had a rotten smell too. Jill tried shooting them only to end up running out of bullets. One of the dogs saw her and went after her after she fell backwards. I ended up shooting the dog as it jumped and that wine signaled the other dogs. They looked pissed.
"Come on!" I yelled pulling Jill with me. In that moment, we saw Brad flying away. "Brad!" I yelled. "What the hell is he doing?!" We ran for our lives and I ended up turning around and raised my arms to defend myself went the dog was suddenly shot. "Chris" a voice called out and I looked over to it's owner; Captain Wesker. "This way!" he yelled and we ran, occasionally shooting the beasts. "Head for that mansion!" I yelled, as we kept running. Once we got in, we checked to make sure how many of us were left. There were only four S.T.A.R.S members left; Captian Wesker, Barry, Jill, and myself....everyone else is dead.....We cached our breaths. "Where are the others?!" I said, worried about them. "They're....." Wesker trailed off. "No!" Jill said. "Just thank God we survived." said Barry. We then heard a gunshot. "What was that?!" Barry said, holding up his gun. "I'll go check it out." I said. "Very well." Wesker said. "Barry you go with Jill. I'll check around upstairs." As the orders were set, Jill stopped me. "Chris..." she said. "Be careful." I nodded and went through the doors. I entered through the double doors to find what looked like a dinning room. The ticking sound of the Grandfather Clock kind of made me relax a bit. Tick, tock, tick, tock....I went up to the fireplace to warm up and that's when I heard the thunder outside. It began to pour hard outside. I saw a shield up top and something told me it would be useful in the future. I took it off and placed it in my backpack. I then went through the door next to the fireplace and heard something. It sounded like someone eating chips but it was more disturbing. I took out my knife to be more prepared since I dropped my guns in the chase with the dogs and the only thing left on me was the Survival Knife that everyone came with, and my lighter. I walked around the corner and saw something that would have made me lose my mind.....somebody was eating Kennith. The thing looked up and slowly it turned it's head to me.
I readied my knife and it's arms went up and it moaned. I was able to cut his head off cleanly. As they say; "First Kills are special." I then picked up Kennith's video feed. Need a place to play this tape. I then shook and shrugged off the chills as the zombie's moan rang through my ears. I got back to the dinning room and I have to say, it looks like something King Arthur Pendragon from the Medieval Times would stay in since it looked more like a castle than a mansion. I then ran through the double doors only to find the lobby empty. "Wesker?" I called. "Barry? Jill?" No one answered. I then saw a handgun on the ground and picked it up. Maybe someone left it here for me....It was full of 15 bullets. Better use them wisely. And I thus began to search for my team and Bravo.

Albert Wesker

Everything is going according to plan. The pigs are in place and we'll once and for all get rid of S.T.A.R.S. I went up stairs and heard a few whines come from another room. I opened the door and saw three dogs and a beautiful woman sleeping on the bed. The dogs growled at me but the woman still did not wake. I signaled I wasn't a threat and they wouldn't let up. The woman woke up and told them to stop, She then looked at me and gasps. "Are you a S.T.A.R.S member?!" she asked getting up quickly. "Yes I am." I said. "My name is (Your name) (Last name)." she said. "I was with Bravo Team." She showed me the ID. "I'm Captain Albert Wesker." I said, feeling my heart race a bit. She was beautiful. She (adjusted her glasses or if you don't have glasses, you fixed your hair) and signaled her dogs to sit. "They're well trained." I said. "Thanks." she said, "Are you here to rescue us?" Her (eye/c) eyes stared through my sunglasses. "Yes." I said. I knew I was going to have to shake her off somehow so I could continue with my mission, but some small part of me wanted her to know and to become powerful with me. "Let's go." I said and she signaled the dogs to follow. So it's true about the dogs knowing things. They were still growling at me lowly.
I then walked around more rooms and she started telling me, most likely to calm herself down, about her past. She is a great and wonderful lady but I have to shake her off or else she'll interfere. I decided to take a break because she looks tried from the fear draining her out. Once she and the dogs went to sleep, I left the room. I have a job to finish. I can't let some woman change my mind.

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