Chapter 3: Rebecca and Richard

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Reader's POV

Me and Chris searched the halls and climbed up and down the stairs. I could have sworn we heard two voices....They sounded so familiar...I saw Dean and Sam get a bit excited and Castiel's tail swish happily. 'Could it be...?' I thought to myself. I opened the door and saw Rebecca and Richard on the ground. Richard was in bad shape and Rebecca was at his side. "Richard! Rebecca!" I said happily with relief. "(Y/n)!" said Rebecca with excitement. Chris came in behind me and Rebecca said; "It's you." Chris came to their side and saw Richard in bad shape. "Richard!" Chris said and looked at his arm. Sam and Dean went over and licked their faces. "Richard what happened to your arm?" I said looking at the purple and black arm with a bloody bite. "He was bitten by a snake." Rebecca said. "Chris!" Richard coughed. "You got to--" Richard coughed again. " Get your team out of here.." Rebecca looked at his arm again. "SERUM." she said. "He needs SERUM." I looked confused a bit. "I left some in another room. Can one of you go and get it?" she asked. "I can't leave him alone." I was going to say 'I volunteer' but Chris beat me to it. "I'll go." he said. "(Y/n) stay here with them." I rolled my eyes. "Like I'm going to let you go back out there alone." I said with some sass. "Listen you need to stay here and protect them." he said. "No! I'm going!" I said yelling. "Just let her go Chris." Richard said. "She's not one to give up easily." I owe Richard for defending me. "Fine." Chris said. "Just don't get lost." I wanted to wrap my hands around his neck. "I'll leave Sam and Dean with you." I said to the two. "Thanks." Rebecca said. "Richard needs to calm down and they will be the perfect distraction." Richard sighed and chuckled. That made Rebecca smile. I always thought those two were cute together. Sam and Dean laid beside the two and me, Cas, and Chris set off to find the SERUM.
We went down the hall and heard the moans of the monsters roaming the halls. Castiel remained calm and stood with one paw up ready to protect either one of us if necessary. Castiel had been trained to sniff out anything. Even medicine. He had to take classes for that back at the base before we departed for Bravo Team. Even Umbrella sent in medicines to help with our dog's training. The SERUM had a sweet sugary smell to it when I took a whiff at the Training Facility back in (Hometown). Castiel sniffed the air and padded off in the lead. I kind of felt Chris staring at me from behind and whenever I looked to make eye contact he would look away as if he was never watching me. He's really interesting man....I seem to blush a bit when I look at him.... We were walking when a zombie with long claws appeared in front of us. It roared and tried to scratch me but I quickly dodged it and gave it a swift kick in the balls and it seemed to stun it as Chris shot it. The monster sliced at Chris and got him on the arm with three long gashes on his arm. I grabbed my gun and shot at the monster repeatedly till it fell. Castiel was guarding an injured Chris and checking to make sure he was alright. "Chirs are you alright?" I asked worriedly. "Yeah I'm fine." he said. No it wasn't. I tore off a sleeve off my shirt and took out some ointment that was by Umbrella and slathered it on. As I was rubbing it into the wounds, I got to feel his muscles....They were big and strong and his skin felt so good to touch.... I shook my head and wrapped his arm up and when I looked up we were both staring at each other. He had such pretty blue eyes like the sky....but they could never compare to Castiel's eyes....Castiel got between us and reminded us of the task we have at hand. I cleared my throat and we began to follow the blue eyed wolf again. I kept blushing at how close we were and then shook my head. We have to save Richard.

Chris Redfield

"Chris are you alright?!" (Y/n) asked worried. "Yeah." I said. 'I'm fine." I was lying. It hurt like fucking hell! How sharp were those claws?! I found it funny how she stunned the monster. She seemed so bent on making sure I was okay that she tore a sleeve off of her shirt and slathering ointment on my forearm. The pain went away as she rubbed the ointment in. She looked up and we got caught in each others eyes. Such beautiful (e/c) eyes... I felt like I could stare into them forever. How she rubbed my arm... almost like she was enjoying the feeling of my skin on her fingers. I wanted to touch her hair......I wanted to hold her.... I leaned in a bit till her blue eyed wolf got between us. That's right....Richard... I got up and helped her up and we continued to walk. I just kept staring at her. I couldn't stop. It felt like she was the only thing keeping me sane in this house. Her wolf pawed at a door and we opened it with our guns loaded. Inside was a bed and a shelf full of Umbrella medicine products and a chest. The wolf grabbed the SERUM in his mouth and went over to Y/n). She took it and pat his head. "Good boy." she said. "Alright let's go." I said and we left back but we heard an awful moaning from downstairs and quickly went to Rebecca and Richard. "Alright we're back!" I said and gave the bottle to Rebecca. "Thanks!" she said and quickly made Richard drink the whole bottle. (Y/n) was praising her three companions and hugged them. "Chris...." Richard said. "" He passed out. But I thought he was dead. "Richard!" I said. "It's okay." Rebecca said. "He only passed out from exhaustion." I sighed in relief. "We have to take him somewhere safe." (Y/n) said. "Good idea." Rebecca said. I threw Richard over my shoulder and walked him to the room where we found the SERUM.
I laid Richard on the bed and he slept peacefully.

Jill Valentine

"Didn't you tell her to meet back here Jill?" Barry asked as we got back. "I told her that." I said. "I hopefully she either found Chris or someone else." Barry sighed and leaned against the wall. "Let's wait for her a few more minuets and if she doesn't show," he said, "we'll find her." I nodded. I hope Chris is alright. Maybe she's with Chris....I hope so. She's such a nice girl. I'd hate to think if she and her beautiful hounds died in this God forsaken place. Five minutes passed and she still didn't show up. "Alright." Barry said. "Let's go find her." I nodded and we split up to search for her. I heard the moans of the monsters and some banging on the glass from the windows. It was raining hard. The dogs managed to break through the windows by launching themselves head first and I fell backwards from the shock. I aimed my gun at them and shot them. I got up and started running and more jumped through the broken windows. I tripped and fell but got up and started running again. They jumped and tried to bite me and I was heading towards a dead end till I picked up more speed and was able to run up it and kick myself off and started shooting.
They fell one by one and I started running again. I ran up the stairs and hid in a room. Luckily they ran past the room I was hiding in and I came out. I had to find Barry and make sure he's alright. But that's when I ran into Wesker....

Albert Wesker

I found Jill running down the hallway looking pale. She wasn't the one I wanted to run into, but I knew I had to lock her up somewhere. "Wesker!" she called out. "I see you're alright." I said. I didn't want to seem too suspicious by saying "You're still alive" or "I'm impressed you've made it this far." "Did you find any of the others?" I asked. "Me and Barry did find a Bravo Team member." she said. That must have been the girl with the mutts then. I felt relived somewhat that she was safe. "Alright just follow me." I said. "I know a place to catch our breath and hide." I lead her to the underground lab and then pushed her into a cell. "Wesker!" Jill yelled. "What are you doing?!" I laughed. "I know put all the pieces together now." She realized what I meant. "You mean all of this was you?!" she yelled. "I have things to attend to." I said and left her in there. "Wesker why?!" she yelled and I went to the lab and got the three leeches and went back up to the mansion. I need to get rid of the dogs with that woman. Yet I didn't want to do it.

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