One Nut

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You know when you work for 8 hours a day you expect to come home and be done for the day. Nope not today good sir pack that nut up and go! You got that nice double today, you are working 16 hours tonight son no lube going in fucking dry. You like sleeping? Not anymore there is no sleep there is only work, and drinking high caffeinated energy drinks to keep you working. So ask yourself this, why? Why would you go through the trouble of working so many hours? Going through so much pain to stay awake and force yourself to do your job. Do you need the money that bad? Do you love your job? Maybe it's just to get out of the house and be yourself for a little while. Whatever it is you better know that I totally just lost my motivation to finish this but I got this far so I might as well publish it anyway. Oh man working the double and here comes some trouble. Bouta bust a fat one, maybe two. One nut, two nut, red nut, blue nut, lotta nut, little nut. This is a fucking train wreck what am I even doing here. Ayy so here is  a story I just made up. So this peanut is rolling down the street and it gets run over by a car. The driver gets out of the car and looks at the now splattered nut all over the road, so he goes to his cars trunk, pulls out a loaf of sliced bread, gets a slice, drops it over the splattered peanut and moves it around like a  mop head. So he picks up the now peanut covered bread and slams it on his windshield. He gets back in his car and continues on like nothing out of the ordinary happened. I call that story, One Nut.

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