The plan

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   "Sammy," Ben whispered. "Yeah?" "Follow me," he said, signaling for me to come with him, through the window. He had such a sweet smile on his face I couldn't resist, I followed him. "This way, we're close," "Ben, where are we going? Why this late? Why this far in the woods?" I asked him. " Why so many questions? Trust me!" He replied. " We're close!" We arrived at an opening in the woods where their was a quiet, motionless area. There was a large, dry log in the middle of the area which he sat down on and signaled for me to sit next to him. " Why did you bring me here?" " Well, there's something I must tell you, Sammy," " Yeah?"" Well, I was sent here to bring you with me back to the mansion and Toby is taking Anna, but, we need you to do something before I bring you back with me," " What is it?" I replied confused " We need you to kill your parents, but for now you need rest you have school tomorrow," I fell asleep on Ben's shoulder in that dark, quiet area in the woods. The next morning I woke up in my bed at home.

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