The Last, Last Word - Journal Entry 4.2

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I did it.

That part of me that once held you so innocently close, with such intense emotion and adoration - it has faded away into the recess of my warmest memories.

My heart does not yearn for you anymore.

And so, I must end this chapter of my life for good.

I have only three departing points to make.

1) I got over you. It took me a trip to another country, a bitter taste of internet dating, a rough and slippery search for confidence... but I got over you.

2) And I survived, and now I thrive. The part of me I thought was closed - it is open again, and I am feeling new feelings, thinking new thoughts, experiencing the ecstasy of real, lived passion. I moved on to better things.

3) And when you came back to me, as you inevitably always do... And when you struggled to get over me, as you never have before... I felt only sadness as our friendship slowly, and unavoidably, faded away like the smokey tendrils of a fire left smoldering too long. 

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