Chapter Three - Apreciation (Dippers POV)

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Maybe it was the way he approached me. Or the way he spoke. Whatever it was. Something about him made me feel. Strange. Off-put. And yet something attracted me to him.

Too many times I've been around the strange and unusual, but he was more than just strange and unusual. More than a handsome new boy in town.

I lay in my room on the floor, staring up at the ceiling. Thinking. Contemplating. My sister and I were so excited to come back and be with our grunkles again. Yet here I am. And I just feel. Lonely. I guess I didn't really think about how I wouldn't be able to hang with Wendy anymore. Soos is gone somewhere too. With his cousin I believe. And based on how pretty much everyone in every single one of my classes laughed at just my name, I doubt I could make any new friends. Most of these people in my high school aren't exactly people I would want to be friends with anyway.

On the otherhand, Bill and his brother seemed nice enough. I've never heard William speak but he looks like he's as nice as his twin. Bill is the only one to talk to me besides my teachers. And of course Mabel when we pass each other in the halls and at lunch. Bill doesn't talk much but he leaves little comments here and there. Like yesterday. He said that I was good at "detailing the faces of the people I drew". Mostly he just sits and watches me. Which I just started to catch on to. At first I didn't think anything of him looking in my direction. But then I realized that he was always looking at me. Or the things I was drawing. Unless he himself was drawing something. I didn't mind it. And I didn't think he was some weirdo. I just wondered why me of all people he would chose to have a slight interest in. There's nothing special about me. Tho I once thought there was. I'm just boring old dipper.

I sighed out and brought my self to sit up and pick myself off of the floor. I was working in the store today. Stan was trying to sell some octopus with 12 eyes today. It was his new featured item, placed on some pedestal. "This here is a rare creature, you won't find it anywhere else folks! Hey! If you want to touch it, it's gonna cost ya." I could here my grunkle as i walked downstairs. Sliding on my hat I took a seat on the stool by the register. Today looked pretty busy. I guess an octopus with 12 eyes is more appealing than it sounds?

"Ah Dipper, my wonderful nephew." I looked over to Stan, smiling a bit. "What do you want now grunkle stan?" Stan scratched the scruff on his chin and leaned on the counter. "I'm gonna need you and Mabel to go out for a bit later tonight. Before 7:00 o'clock." I raised an eyebrow questioningly. Why did he want Mabel and I to leave?

"Why such a specific time?" I asked, leaning back on the stool. Grunkle Stan looked away, a slight blush on his face. "I uhh got a date or er whatever, not important, Anyways I need you and Mabel out of here by 7:00, got it?" I just laughed out at him. It was always hilarious to see Stan all flushed over a woman.

"Let's hope this one isn't a man eating spider, yeah?" Grunkle Stan rolled his eyes and walked off. "Just be gone by 7:00."

About an hour passed and some tourists from wherever bought the 12 eyed octopus for 500 bucks. 500. Honestly it's amazing what some idiots are willing to pay for. They'll sure be pissed when they realize the eyes were just super glued on.
"Haha. Suckers." I could here Stan chucking. Ya know sometimes I'm impressed at what my grunkle does. Gotta hand it to him, He's one of the best crooks out there. He could pretty much sell anything.

I wasn't paying much attention when the doors of the shack opened, revealing a tall, intimidating looking blonde. I didn't even realize who it was at first. Bill cipher. His twin stumbling in behind him.

Fuck.fuckfuckfuckfuck. I turned to the side on my stool, trying to lower my hat to hide my face. Don't notice me don't notice me don't notice me don't notice me.
I didn't want the only person who talked to me knowing that I worked, or rather, lived here. He'd probably start teasing me like everyone else.

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