Chapter I

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I moan into my pillow as I hear the words 'Get up.'

I hate those words, and I'm not so fond of the woman they're coming from either. throwing back the covers I role myself out of bed and in front of my wardrobe. What to wear? Whatever I wear doesn't matter, no one else would care, they would just bitch about it... I can stand that. If I wore a short skirt, long sleeved shirt and high socks with piggy tails no one would give a horses arse. I sigh, picking out a red checked flannel and long jeans with brown leather boots, I prefer the country look.

I walk downstairs to my mum making her breakfast.

'Are you honestly wearing that?' she asked at a slight glance at me, chuckling.

I pick up the knife from the bench and thrust it into her side. She falters and drops to the floor. Blood spills over the tiles and she gasps for breath. The crimson blood is most pleasing and I start to laugh, covering my hands with it...

I hold the knife.

'what are you doing? Put that down'

It was mum, alive, in front of me. It was only my imagination... that was close.

I put the knife on the counter and pull out the milk and "Cheerios" pouring them into a bowl.

'But seriously... Are you wearing that to school?'

I nod

'Fine...' she trails off into talking about what she has to do today, complaining. Sometimes I hear what she's saying but I can't help but to think how much easier she's got it than me. I see people I hate, who hate me. I have to TALK to people I hate that hate me. I am surrounded by people who hate, ignore and couldn't care less about me. I have friends who aren't friends who just keep me company. They don't care or think about me. Every one only care about themselves...

'... Are you even listening to me?!'

I shake my head and she huffs.

'Hurry up and go to school'

I nod.

I get up, grab my bag and walk out the door, hearing a mumble that could only sound like "ungrateful little brat."

She has no idea of my pain.

I don't plan to tell her but being a mother she should know... because all people do is care for themselves.

Now no one can hold me back.

I am not responsible for what happens next...

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