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1024 words

I literally dont care ab age here, reader and muddz can be any age you want him to be, im not in charge
I take criticism well, so give me whatever amount you want just dont comment something dumb like "lol ur gay" then call it criticism
Idk how long itll be between chapters
Idk how long the chapters will be
Ill take requests when i dont know where to take the story
Also hes nice good boy phase 4 boy okay but just,, ignore age unless youre fucking 50 idk
Thats it lets go



After you worked an exhausting week of extra hours in a desperate attempt to get a week off, what better than to start off by going to the local bar? Now, (buzzed from having a bit too much alcohol), you slipped out of the glass doors and to your car.

Once getting to your car you heard another car parking next to you, so you waited on opening your door by leaning on your own car so they can park. You glanced at the car and lightly gasped, taking note at the nice car you were standing directly next to. It was all black, sparkling clean (despite the gunshot holes on the side of it), and it had "STYLO" writing on the front bumper in silver letters. You smirked slightly and watched a man near your age slip out of the car. He was.. unique? His skin was slightly green and slightly brown, giving off a muddy look, black hair that fringed down to the tops of his eyes and above a seemingly broken nose, pointy ears, sharp teeth, mix-matched eyes, the sharpest cheekbones obtainable, and a devil's cross. His clothes were just black jeans, black turtle neck, a black leather jacket, and worn out black cuban heels. A completely original colour pallet. You weren't sure if you were doing stomach flips from him, the car, or the alchohol when he gave a nod and a wink in your direction, but before he could walk away, you started to speak as quickly as you could, wanting his attention your way.

"Now I was always told not to talk to strangers in cars, but god damn is that a beaut." He turned around and met eyes with yours and gave out a chuckle.

"Thank you, yours is nice as well might I say." You silently laughed at how proper he was speaking, and gave an OK hand sign accompanied with a large smile. He started to speak again, "I'm Murdoc Niccals. you?" You walked forward and reached your hand out.

"(Y/N) (L/N). Pleasure." You both took each others hand and shook.

"Would you like a drink? Get to know each other?" Murdoc said in slightly suggestive tone,  raising his eyebrows.

"Oh?" You cocked an eyebrow, "no thank you," you shook your head "I was actually heading out right now, so if you want to trade numbers and meet up another time that'd be okay." Murdoc nodded and reached for his phone, showing it to you, and you followed his footsteps. You both typed your names, numbers, and addresses before handing your phones back. He slipped his phone back in his pocket and spun half around, walking back to the bar, holding his hand up by his head as a wave and yelled out a "bye". You smiled softly and returned to your car. A sudden urge to go back inside and talk with Murdoc for a bit longer hit you. Maybe you weren't as sober as you thought? Yeah you should definitely avoid driving and go back inside till you're better. You sighed, and chuckled at your quick thoughts, you were honestly just looking for an excuse to keep talking to him. And so you went with it. Good job. You locked your car and started running back to the bar, opening the bar doors and scanning the room for Murdoc, you spotted him and quickly sat next to him, gaining a weird look from him and the bartender who had sworn he saw you leave. Murdoc smiled and chuckled lightly, asking for two beers. You were confused for a moment before you realised he ordered a for you when the bartender handed you the beer. You widened your eyes and started shaking your head profusely.

"No no no I've already had plently to drink," you giggled "I actually didn't want to drive and decided to talk to you while sobering up rather than struggling to try to meet up later." You felt like you were lying, since you weren't slurring or anything, but it was slightly the truth.

"Alright, more for me." He laughed, "but I'm free pretty much anytime, which is why I'm always here. Hit me up whenever." You nodded and smiled and leaned against the counter. There was a slightly uncomfortable silence for a minute before Murdoc decided to break it. "Tell me about yourself." He said while staring into space. For a moment you were unsure of what to say, your life wasn't very interesting, I mean, you were fairly average.

"Well, uhh.. you know my name and I work at guitar center. (1/ i had a rough childhood. [+brief explanation; ie: dead parents, abuse] 2/i had an okay childhood. [+brief explanation; ie: divorce] 3/i had a very good childhood. 4/ i grew up in the safest possible environment.) Thats about it, really."

1/ He nodded, staring down at his drink that the bartender gave him while you spoke "Sorry to hear that, (y/n)." You smiled reassuringly.

2/ He nodded, smiling softly, staring down at his drink that the bartender gave him while you spoke "Sorry to hear that, then." He smiled, "let's switch to me real quick."

3/ "Nice." He nodded, staring down at his drink that the bartender gave him while you spoke. "Well about me.."

4/ He nodded, staring down at his drink that the bartender gave him while you spoke. He stayed silent for a moment, "so, about me.."

"(What he said), I'm Murdoc Faust Niccals, lead (and only) bassist in the best band in the world." he took a long drink of his beer until the glass was empty, then reached for yours. "Rough family, but now I've got a new one." He smiled quickly and widely. You nodded, knowing he meant his band, and listened as he ranted on about his past life after he started said band, and he listened intently when you started going on weird tangents about customers at your store.

You both spoke for about an hour before you decided its best to leave sooner so you can get a night's rest.

"I can drive you home, Murdoc." He waved his hand downwards and laid against the table.

"I'll be sleeping in my car. Not gonna let you drive me half an hour this late at night." He said, slurring a bit. You sighed and pat his back.

"Well, night then. Text me. Don't drive" You smiled and walked off to your car, and drove home.


yeah ive literally never written anything before so i have no idea whether or not this is good
like i said, correct me on something. anything. i beg you.

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