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"You see, Son," he spoke the word with such emphasis and distaste. It sounded so foreign coming from the mouth of such a monster, somebody whom we all dreaded, "running from me won't mask your problems. It would only make them... worse." I couldn't make his face, since I was a good distance away from them, hoping that they couldn't see me. 

"You're pathetic!" Harry boomed, tilting his head before spitting on the gravel. I could still make out the blood trickling down his nose and cheek, even in the dark. 

His father did something that nobody would ever expect him to do, he laughed. He threw his head back and laughed. "Pathetic you say? I didn't run from my problems, I faced them like the man I am. You're nothing but a wimp, boy. Do your minions always follow you around?" He turned his head, staring at the four boys who knelt, their hands tied behind their backs and rags in their mouths, unconscious. "Pathetic." 

"They're not involved. Let them go." Harry couldn't disguise the anger and disgust of his words, his stare was long and hard. 

"Oh but they are. Everybody here is involved. You can't hide from who you are Harry, and in a matter of time you'll see what you truly are, no different from me. No different from your grandfather. You can't escape from this reality!" 

"Fuck you!" 

"Tsk, attitude and persistence like your mother. That's what'll get you killed." I gasped, covering my mouth with my hand. All heads turned to the bushes, in the direction of where I hid. There was a click of fingers, and before I knew it I was hoisted up, held by my forearms by 2 oversized men. I winced as one dug his fingernails into my arm. "What's this?" 

I was thrown to the ground, my hands and knees scraping against the gravel. I whimpered slightly, afraid to look up in the eyes of Harry's father. 

"Cass?" I didn't turn to where the voice came from. I didn't have to turn my head to know he was surprised, maybe even shocked to see that I was here. I could almost picture his widened eyes.

"As I said. Everybody here is involved. I've heard plenty about you." I felt fingers at my chin, roughly tugging me to look up. His eyes were the darkest shade of blue I had ever seen. They were terrifying, I would never had assumed that this man was the father of the boy who knelt all bloody and bruised on my left. "Cass-an-dra." He sounded each syllable, testing my name. "Tell me, sweetheart, what are you doing here? All. Alone?" He smirked, that devil grin he has plastered on his face frightened me. I tried escaping his grip on my chin but he only tightened it. "I won't say it again."

I didn't say anything, I know that if I did I would say the wrong thing. I can't screw up anymore. "Answer me!" He raised his hand and came in contact with my cheek. I gasped as my head turned to Harry's direction, the impact caused a loud sob to come from my parted lips. The tears continued to roll down my cheeks, my breathing increased as I began to feel light headed. 

"Don't! Sh-she has nothing to do with this!" Harry snapped, struggling in his position. 

"Why would you care, boy?" His father asked him. I couldn't stop the quiet sobs escaping my parted lips. "Unless you have some feelings toward her?" He asked, I could hear the humour laced in his voice, it was sickening. He was sickening.

"No. No, you've got it all wrong. Let her go, she can't be around for this. You can't be stupid enough to leave her here!" 

The sound of shoes scraping through the ground caused me to look up, his father had Harry's collar in a grip. "Maybe I'll leave her here. Then you can deal with her, since you won't have any control over it." He said with gritted teeth. "One less problem for me to deal with."

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