Chapter 2

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Sorry about any mistakes! English isn't my strong point. I hope you enjoy it as much as i had fun writing it. I am generally happy that someone out there is reading what i wrote, please comment if you think my story is at the standard,

Chapter 2  

I caught the bus after the one that Starlet took, and made by journey to school in total silence. I don’t know what Starlet’s problem is, it’s not like I hide anything from her. Why is she doing it to me? Why is she hiding stuff from me? I am supposed to be her best friend! Why was she with Mr Morgan in the morning? What does that prick want? And Why did he offer us a rid—

“hello big sister!!”

oh God! It was Chloe; I forgot I missed the early bus. I ignored her. Well that’s what sisters are for.

Finally, I came to my bus stop, and I dragged myself off the bus and made the long walk towards the school which I dreaded. It’s the first day, and I broke up with my best friend, ‘great thinking Violet’ I thought again. Then I saw someone running towards me, it was hard to tell who it was. I don’t think I know her. Ya God! It was Robbie; Starlet’s friend. He was coming closer and closer, until he was like three metres away from me.

“Starlet, says to meet her at SCI1 before your double lesson in the afternoon, she says it’s urgent” Robbie said while breathing heavily. I wanted to go now, but I don’t want to talk to her right now. Then why did I want to go then? Why did she choose SCI1 as a meeting place? She said before our afternoon lesson, does that mean that she is going to be waiting until then? I swear down that’s Mr Morgan’s classroom! They might be talking about what happen thirty minutes ago! I didn’t care. I am going to ignore her.

Registration went like a flash, and off to history I went. Gradually taking my book out, I heard a knock on the door. I rapidly turned around, breaking my neck in the process. And there I saw her again, her eyes brightly shining in the sunlight, it was Starlet. Why was I so happy to see her?

“Sorry, Mr O’Leary, Mr Morgan would like Violet Gallagher” Starlet said with a smile on her face. I could hear Rida and Hannah, my fellow class mates making ‘hmmm’ sounds at the background. Starlet always finds a way to make the teachers think that she is an angel; I don’t know how she does it. It must be pure talent. A talent I didn’t mind having. So I packed my bag quicker then I unpacked it, and rushed my way towards the door, where Starlet stood. I saw her face and from the redness I saw in her eyes, I knew she was crying before she came here. We walked towards SCI1 in silence. I didn’t brother talking. And by the looks of it, she didn’t either. We were right outside the door now; it was just as I remembered it. White with four posters blued tack on it. Then suddenly,

“Err… Violet, I am going to get tissue, I will be back in a tic” and she hurried off without a backward glance. So I knocked on the door, and pushed myself forward towards the classroom.

“Sir, you wanted to see me” I said shyly,

No answered. I went towards the computer, and there he was. Sitting down, clearly enhanced in his work. I went closer; I didn’t notice how handsome he was. That skin complexion was even and so beautiful. That deep, exquisite, blue eye seems like heaven on earth. That dark brown hair, matched his face like science and maths, such an attractive combination! I was staring for what seems like seconds, but it was actually five minutes. He noticed. But the weird thing was he was doing the same! He got up from his messy desk and walked towards me. My heart was racing, maybe even skipped a few beats. Why was I feeling this way?

“Aah, did Starlet call you here?” wondered Mr Morgan,

Wh-wh-what! Didn’t he tell Starlet to call me here? Is this a joke? Did Starlet plan this? However something disturbed my thinking pattern. It was Mr Morgan’s movement.

“I know what you’re thinking about? You think Starlet set you up, don’t you?” Mr Morgan said sweetly, how did he know? If he knew that, does he know what else I was thinking? The things I thought about how dreamy he is. ‘Force the thoughts out Violet’ I thought to myself.

“Err… yes, Mr Morgan” I whispered, “Why did you call me in the first place?” I said a bit louder, but then I noticed that he only came closer to me because I was talking quietly, so I decreased my volume again so he will come close to me again. ‘You genius Violet’ I thought. Smiling to myself, I looked around the familiar and typical science classroom, yep, just as I remembered it. Three long tables parallel to each other and about four exits and entrances.

“I was bored, and I caught Starlet going to sociology at the middle of the stairs, and asked her to bring you along, for my entertainment” Mr Morgan said, interrupting my thoughts. “Where is Starlet anyway?” he looked at the door swiftly. At that exact minute, as like magic, Starlet opened the door and said casually, “Sir, I am going to sociology” and quickly closed the door before anyone can change her mind. I am kind of happy that, she wouldn’t be with us; it will be just me and him.

“If you want to go to whatever lesson you have I will understand, but a man gets very bored upstairs, waiting for some entertainment…” Mr Morgan said slowly. Did this speech have a double meaning? A man, upstairs, some entertainment, was these words chosen carefully? “So, Violet, are you staying… with me?” I hoped that Mr Morgan will stop interrupting my thoughts, but I wanted to stay with him, it was a lot better than doing swinging 60s in History.

“Alright sir, I will stay” maybe I will get information about what he was talking about to Starlet in the morning, but then I shouldn’t push my luck. And out of the blue a wide smile place itself on his face, Whoa! What a sight of beauty! He buried himself back to his work, and stood next to him, leaning over him, curiously looking at what he was doing. I tried to work out what he was writing but with that hand writing, God knows what he was writing. After a few minutes of me squinting my eyes, I decided to ask. “Mr Morgan what are you doing?” I waited for a few second before he answered.

“This is a study of how females act around men, this is very interesting, a girl gave it to me,” he was reading about girls? He was a bloody married man, why does he need to read about girls for?

“Why are you reading it for?” I asked before I can stop myself,

“ahahahaha,” he replied, was he laughing at me or about his article?

“I am glad I amuse you, sir,” I said shyly,

“Can I do something to you, according to this article: it wouldn’t hurt” Mr Morgan said without looking away from his article.

“Alright then” ‘what have I got to lose’ I thought. He got up and dragged me by the hand toward the end of the classroom, where Starlet used to sit for science. He sat down and he pressure from his hand was released, he let go. The way he was sitting down was rather unique, he sat down gently and put his feet on each side of the stool like he was posing for someone to start painting him. He wasn’t facing towards the table but rather to me. He unexpectedly grabbed me from the waist, it felt very pleasant. Dragged me between his legs until we were like 3 centimetres away from each other lips, I didn’t want to stop him. Whatever he was doing, I didn’t want him to stop. I wondered what was he reading in that article of his, but then his soft lips found mine. I can hear his heart beat, while we were connected by our lips. Not letting go of my lips, he reached for my waist and brought me closer until every part of our body was touching. Is this what he meant by entertainment? It was like we didn’t need Oxygen, the feeling of his manly body was over-whelming. I didn’t want this to stop. I managed to get my arms around his neck and I pushed him closer. What am I suppose to do with my eyes? Close them? This was my first kiss and it was with my science teacher! I decided to close them. I heard the door open. However, Mr Morgan wasn’t letting go of me, I pushed him away from me with a huge force, regretting every action, and I released him from my grip. We were now one metre away from each, looking into each other eyes. He was smiling, looking pleased with himself. I returned it with a warm smile. But I remembered our unwanted visitor and broke eye contract. She was standing petrified on one place, she invited herself in, by the looks of it, and the door was closed behind her, I looked at her face. She was stunned. She was shocked. She was Starlet.

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