Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Ellis slouched in one of the comfortable armchairs in Frank’s office, a glass of whisky in his hand. Frank watched his old friend swill the strong liquor around his mouth and savour the taste as he swallowed. He looked tired as if he hadn’t been sleeping again and his eyes were rimmed a delicate pink, deep lines furrowing his brow. Frank could tell he was in bad shape and he needed to get Ellis to stop drinking and face life. The past was not as bad as he thought and the future was always better. The future made Frank smile warmly as he thought of his lovely wife of a year and the child she was due to have any day now.

“What’s so nice that you are smiling like an idiot?” Ellis asked him seriously, watching Frank with a twinge of jealousy.

“Love, my friend, love. Now put that glass down and come riding with me. Juliana is out of action now till the baby comes and I hate to ride alone. And perhaps the fresh air will sober you up and make you sleep. You look like you need it.”

“Thanks,” Ellis growled sarcastically. He knew Frank was right though.

They rode slowly at first, trotting when they could through the exasperatingly slow crowds that meandered through London’s streets. Speed was not important true, but they craved it just as their lively thorough bred horses craved the same release. Soon they had waded through both crowds of the ton and the working masses that fringed the great city of London and emerged into the fresher green pasture land and small villages that would gradually be swept up by the city. For now though Frank and Ellis on their impressive horses could ride until their bodies could take no more punishment from their saddles in relative freedom.

Racing through the fields and small wooded glens letting their horses do all the work while their minds dwelt on the more pressing matters that occupied them. Worry and concern etched Frank’s brow with deep lines, for the wellbeing of both his wife and close friend. Ellis let his mind drift through dark storm clouds of memories past and tried to focus on the weak ray of light that had appeared on his horizons, praying it would not disappear before he could capture it. They rode home in silence knowing the other needed to think yet more.                                                        

The ride had exhausted Ellis. He didn’t even pick up a drink when he got home he just toppled into bed, fully clothed and slept like a log till the next evening.


Ellis sat down in the darkened gaming room, feeling full of energy and curiosity. He was going to drill his acquaintances tonight to see who this mysterious, almost as mysterious as him, Madeline East was. His chair scraped the bare wooden floor, his boots getting scuffed up by the saw dust scattered over the wooden floor boards to soak up spilt drinks. A buxom maid leant over his shoulder to place a drink in front of him, running a slender hand over his shoulder and down his chest lightly, invitingly, but he shrugged her off without a second thought.

It was still early and the velvet curtains to the stage were still closed. Not that he was interested in what ever sordid show would be on later. He planned to make some easy winnings, find out some interesting information hopefully and then leave before the rest of the tons Corinthians and gamblers arrived for a night’s sinful fun. The cards were dealt and to start with Ellis concentrated on his hand before joining in the disjointed conversation.

“Do any of you know Madeline East?” he asked directly. The table went silent and they all stared at him.

“Madeline East? No, I have never heard of her.” One of them spoke up after a moment of thought and then turned back to his hand. A few more shook their heads in agreement. But Ellis gaze at the table’s occupants was captured by a man a few seats to the left who stared at him in utter horror.

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