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The first day of VlogCon finally came around and Clark felt like throwing up all morning. When they'd first landed in New York, he'd been looking forward to meeting all of his fans, and now? He wanted to curl up under the covers and hide from everyone. It wasn't even that he was afraid of meeting everyone. What he feared the most was that people would realize he wasn't very exciting in real life. In his videos, he came off as a high-energy, personable individual, but off camera he was the guy who spent all day in his pajamas and did nothing but eat snacks and watch Netflix.

Nakota could see the difference in Clark's behavior today. Yesterday they'd gone shopping for clothes and Clark was excited and energetic. He'd dragged Nakota around plenty of stores picking out things that might look good on him. If they were going to be around a bunch of screaming girls, Nakota would already stick out like a sore thumb. Clark figured the best way to disguise the man would be to dress him as an older hipster with a bit of a superiority complex. Flannels, tight jeans, and beanies soon filled Nakota's shopping bags.

As the man looked at himself in the mirror, he noticed Clark's sudden silence. He glanced at him and asked, "What's wrong?"

"I'm just a little nervous about meeting everyone. Meeting in real life is a lot different than commenting back and forth on one of my videos. What if they don't like me?"

"That is something to worry about," Nakota shrugged, "since you're completely unlikable in every way."

Clark smiled at him despite his nerves. "Shut up. I know I'm probably just over reacting, but still, I feel weird. Like, I have this image in my head of everyone turning on me and deciding that they don't like me after all. It probably won't happen, but the idea is still there and it's still bothering me."

"At least you know what you're worrying about and it's not a general idea of anxiety. Just remember that you have almost three millions subscribers. Odds are, at least one of them will like you."

Clark picked at his nails still, but he felt slightly better. It was almost impossible for not a single of his viewers to like him once they met him. "I don't know. I'm just gonna do it and get it over with." Clark stood up and slipped around Nakota to look at himself in the mirror. He wore a nice blue button down shirt, dark jeans, and sensible shoes. It may not have been his first choice, but he and Ruby had agreed that it looked business-y yet relatable. Clark ran a hand through his hair and took a deep breath.

"How much longer?"

"We've got about fifteen minutes until it starts," he said. He checked his teeth closely and stepped back. "We should probably get going. Make sure you lock the door on your way out." Clark grabbed his messenger bag from the table near the door and looked around to make sure he wasn't missing anything. When he was positive he'd taken all he needed, he headed outside. Ruby leaned against the wall, waiting for him to come out.

"Finally," she said, dropping her cellphone into her purse.

"I know, sorry."

Ruby looked stunning in her light wash high-waisted jeans, and her white crop top worked its magic for her cleavage. Clark was almost jealous, she looked ten times better than he did. One great thing about being friends with Ruby was that he always looked better standing next to her.

"Let's go," she said, strutting down the hall with exaggeration. "You ready to slay all these little tween girls?"

"I was born ready," he lied. He shook off his nerves and sped up to match her pace, strutting right along with her. The two of them twirled into the elevator, cracking up as Clark pressed the button down to the lobby.

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