Duel Deck 8

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Duel Deck: Deck VIII

Card 44: Workaholic

Everything was so quiet that night in the Kaiba Corporation building, it was eerie. The only office in the entire building that still had a light was Seto Kaiba's office at the top floor. Everything was in absolute silence, save for the sound of his quick skillful typing. Just a few more lines of code and this new game would be finished. It wouldn't take too long; Mokuba could wait just a little longer for him to return.

Then again his little brother had probably already been defeated by sleep at this late hour of three in the morning. He had told Mokuba to go to bed even if he wasn't home. The boy needed his sleep; he wasn't used to going entire days without sleeping like his big brother was. Yet as much as he tried to deny it and show otherwise, he needed sleep too.

Whenever he didn't get enough sleep he was visibly crankier and with a shorter temper than usual. Who knows, maybe if he got more sleep, he would be just a tiny bit friendlier, maybe not too much, but just enough to notice. He stopped typing for a moment and reread the codes he had written so far. He moved the mouse and saved his work, but he wouldn't stop yet, he wasn't done.

Mokuba was probably asleep by now. He could wait until morning, he wouldn't know when Seto returned and he could pretend he got there earlier. Then Mokuba would stop worrying about his lack of sleep. No, his little brother would notice if he was telling the truth or not.

Seto threw himself back on the large comfortable chair and spun it around so his back was to the computer. He felt tired, but he wouldn't stop, not until he finished. He closed his eyes for just a moment, resting his vision. He had been staring at the computer screen for too long and his eyes were beginning to water.

Feeling as if sleep threatened to claim his consciousness, Seto quickly opened his eyes again. He stared into the night of Domino City on the other side of the large glass windows. He could see a few street lights and but no light came from most stores and houses. Most people were sleeping right now. Maybe he should be sleeping too but no, not until he finished.

Sleep would be more rewarding if he didn't sleep until he finished his work for today, even if it was technically already another day. Even if that meant only sleeping for an hour or two so he could be up early in time for breakfast, some morning work and getting to class after taking Mokuba to school.

He could let the chauffer drive him to school on the limo, but he hasn't been spending a lot of time with his little brother lately, so he wanted to do it himself. He turned his chair around again and the light of the computer screen hit him like a ton of bricks. His eyes were tired from staring at it for so long, but he had to continue.

To his frustration and annoyance, he wasn't typing like he usually did. He could easily type with his eyes closed before, but now he found himself missing a few keys even if he never had the need to look at the keyboard while he typed before. After making a few more mistakes, he continued his typing looking at the keyboard.

He wasn't typing as quickly as usual, now he took a little time to think where the next key was located. If he tried to type faster, he would end up hitting the key next to the one he wanted and the game's code could have no mistakes. It had to be perfect, everything he did had to be perfect, but it was never good enough.

He shook his head, saved his work and got up. Maybe after drinking a little water he could concentrate better. He stopped a few steps away from his desk. No water, he had to finish. He wouldn't go home, sleep or drink anything until he was done with that game, just as he planned to do. He forced himself to sit down again, ignored his thirst and pushed the sleep away as he continued typing.

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